The online racing simulator
This is my first rain pic

The windows are not good, but I don't know how to solve the problem
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The rain is too perfect. Try and make another lay with it going in a slightly different direction to add a nice depth.
Also, the rain should be blurry if your background is motionblurred. Only if the rain moved along with the car it would be in focus. Other than that, great pic.
Nothing special (I guess?)...
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RB4 at a lovely evening...
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Team skin on real car
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pug106 brt.jpg
Quote from robertchapple123 :Team skin on real car

awesome well done
Haha, very cool idea.
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Whoa ho ho! That looks VERY cool! The only thing is that the rain droplets should look more blurred.

The thing is though, the more the rain drops are blurred the more the background has to be blurred, the rain drops can't be blurred seperatly to the background. So i've tried to keep the blurring more to the edges
Very nice pic, but why did you disable the dashboard?
rain got inside so it aint work no more :P
Imagine thàt be possible in S3... :eclipsee_

Anyway, nice pic, good idea!
lol to bad if that was the situation in life; you wouldnt see half of anything you see in that picture

looks good besides the bottom layer of the ground and hte sky and all that; just looks like a normal sky, but the rest looks pretty good (good if it was supposed to be after a rain storm)
The dash isnt working 'cos it was taken from a replay, replays havent got working dashes

Yea the sky's wrong etc, when i took the pic i wasn't intending to make it look like rain, i took a few pics and was gonna make a panorama from in car (which i havent got round to ... yet)

1 hour and 15 min of work

and i thought it was gonna be easy..

so far.. my best work
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Nice pic

But ... the reflection is in the wrong place (the wheels should be reflected too), you should rub out some of the rain slightly 'cos its too visible and "perfect", you should make the reflection less "perfect".

And other people will say it looks too bright and too satutrated, but I dont mind pics like that. Maybe just desaturate the grass background a little, but it looks cool.
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oval rain.jpg
Quote from VALE 46 :Nice pic

But ... the reflection is in the wrong place (the wheels should be reflected too), you should rub out some of the rain slightly 'cos its too visible and "perfect", you should make the reflection less "perfect".

And other people will say it looks too bright and too satutrated, but I dont mind pics like that. Maybe just desaturate the grass background a little, but it looks cool.

thanks man, I'll keep it in mind

hey nice pix, how do you get the road that color?
its like real asphalt.. i tried once but didnt quiet get it...
I darkened the image a bit

I have changed the Levels (ctrl+L in photoshop)

I have also created a new layer, cut around the track, and used the render clouds effect, then set the layer filter to multiply, and opacity to 64%

And i also found a sky image (texture) from and set that to Overlay, 100% opacity, it sort of adds some shadows and parts where the sun is shining through, just stops it looking plain.

Best thing is to just mess around, and eventually you'll find something that works
Another PS done (again at work on integrated graphics) resized from 1280 to 640 and still jaggy gotta love integrated graphics. I present the Firebird XR
(Front headlight beam is a mess but I forgot to put it in a seperate layer so couldnt go back. Oh well! Not too bad...)
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Firebird Drift.jpg
Firebird Drift Color.jpg
Quote from overclocked412 :Another PS done (again at work on integrated graphics) resized from 1280 to 640 and still jaggy gotta love integrated graphics. I present the Firebird XR
(Front headlight beam is a mess but I forgot to put it in a seperate layer so couldnt go back. Oh well! Not too bad...)

good job..
only thing is that the lights in the front.. they seem to light on a different angle.. as i mean.. imagine you are in the driver's seat.. and ur lights point 45 degree to the right.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Quote from noob4ever :good job..
only thing is that the lights in the front.. they seem to light on a different angle.. as i mean.. imagine you are in the driver's seat.. and ur lights point 45 degree to the right.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>

It's those new ones that follow the road ?.

Heres my attempt to make an edited pic.
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Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )