The online racing simulator
My best ever lfs movie based at south city
(32 posts, started )
My lfs movie based at south city
@ Stage 6 my lfs movie, took me around 8 hours yesterday + today on adobe premiere pro 2/fraps/lfs and i'm well impressed with it.

Here are some 'adverts' for it, coming soon... (once uploaded the 970mb file to!)
Attached images
here you go!
you got THAT video quality from almost a gig?
Please tell me that the video is a month long

ok watching now

1. Yup, quality really IS the issue
2. FPS also is
3. failure to use a fixed custom camera to view the interior shots properly at some moments
4. a FFD moment and you suddenly go to Slow Motion to show off a lag? Perfect
5. at the moment where you show a close finish the scene is so long that I got the thought "screw this finish, it is boring" really is a talent to make something boring out of something exciting
6. some bad camera work after that
7. great job on showing some of bad examples of LFS collision detection
8. I managed to spy a name over the car...BIG MISTAKE

I see the effort but the movie doesn't leave pleasant emotions when you watch it

keep practicing and you will get there...

5.5/10 is the max I can give this, sorry

i cant upload the .avi (970MB) version for some reason
so i ashamingly used Dr DivX and converted to DivX which brang the file size down to 67MB thus lowwwwwww quality. Any ideas?

oh, and if your reffering to the advert for the quality, lmao dont worry its not that bad, i used paint + gimp to make the flyer! lol

that first video on the standalone page of your site is quite good!! although there were some very long moments in the begining i got bored.

Quote from squidhead :

1. Yup, quality really IS the issue
2. FPS also is
3. failure to use a fixed custom camera to view the interior shots properly at some moments
4. a FFD moment and you suddenly go to Slow Motion to show off a lag? Perfect
5. at the moment where you show a close finish the scene is so long that I got the thought "screw this finish, it is boring" really is a talent to make something boring out of something exciting
6. some bad camera work after that
7. great job on showing some of bad examples of LFS collision detection
8. I managed to spy a name over the car...BIG MISTAKE

1.) i told you already
2.) i'm no whiz in sorting out pants fraps recordings + my pc isnt that quick = dodgy recording
3.) what do you mean? it's fixed.. and not moving...
4.) its meant to be a "300" style moment from fastforward to slow mo then ffw but as i said in number 2...
5.) Calm down mate.. :/ but i agree to long
6.) where?
7.) :/ wat? how else i sposed to show crashes? tips?
8.) that was on purpose, meant to be a joke - comedy bit

Also, i said this was only my 2nd vid, dont bash me down too much im still a learner!
Quote from james_bskt :excuses:
1.) i told you already
2.) i'm no whiz in sorting out pants fraps recordings + my pc isnt that quick = dodgy recording
3.) what do you mean? it's fixed.. and not moving...
4.) its meant to be a "300" style moment from fastforward to slow mo then ffw but as i said in number 2...
5.) i agree to long
6.) where?
7.) :/ wat? how else i sposed to show crashes? tips?
8.) that was on purpose, meant to be a joke - comedy bit

1. It spoils a lot still
2. One of the best movies here (made by Lynce) was done on a 5 year old computer
3. yes it does move
4. "300" didn't lag in slow motion
5. good
6. everywhere you tried to move the camera AFTER you started recording
7. pick the ones where cars don't fly a few miles away after the crash
8. There are no jokes in a serious video
your movie: Digital Wheels Head 2 Head vol.2 i used the exact same music in a recent karting video check mine out yours was good

the end is missing but here you go
Looks good tbh, you need to give him a chance who ever posted above... just cause your pro dosent mean he can't...
Hey dude... sorry about double post..

Ingore him above it is really good brillant music.. please keep making video's i pmed you btw

(It wouldnt let me edit)
Quote from ToXiC10 :Looks good tbh, you need to give him a chance who ever posted above... just cause your pro dosent mean he can't...

Yeah I have to agree. The video is lacking in many, many ways though... One nice thing about having squid around is you usually don't have to point out any problems, because he doesn't miss any, but sometimes you just have to say what the problems are and let the video maker ether make them better or keep making crap. I do however look forward to squid's comments because he does know what he's talking about, plus, he saved me the time...

6/10 - Work on your FPS and camera views.
you say that is bad fps? jesus, my pc must be crap!

i actually really liked it, and thats no joke.

screw you squidhead!
Go squidvish!
Quote from anbiddulph :screw you squidhead!

or in other words
"Screw Gordon Ramsey's opinion, I loved that cheeseburger"
Quote from squidhead :or in other words
"Screw Gordon Ramsey's opinion, I loved that cheeseburger"

im sowwy if i hurt little baby's feewings.
You have potential, but this isn't good vid. Horrible slowmo parts and boring camera work. There are some nice clips too, but those can't make all vid good. And finally, I don't know, why some people do vids with music, while they don't "optimize" it. Just do it mute and we'll play music we like .

Quote from anbiddulph :
im sowwy if i hurt little baby's feewings.

LMAO, just LMAO...Let me put my previous post to you without an analogy, since you aren't capable of making logical connections

a crappy LFS video maker (you) who likes a bad enough video(the one in the beginning of this topic) , trying to insult a guy who earn his living by editing videos for a local TV channel (me) by stating his (that's you again) opinion...

you might as well throw toothpicks at godzilla (I will let you get this analogy on your own...)
Quote from anbiddulph :
im sowwy if i hurt little baby's feewings.

So who's the baby here? Oh yeah that's obvious, it's you...
Hmm Tony kart sticker kit . Better get started on the Ms kart then!
#18 - SamH
Quote from squidhead :a crappy LFS video maker (you) who likes a bad enough video(the one in the beginning of this topic) , trying to insult a guy who earn his living by editing videos for a local TV channel (me) by stating his (that's you again) opinion...

I'm becoming very concerned about the effect of this critiquing on this section of the LFS forum, particularly when reading comments like this. I feel something needs saying.

This section of the LFS forum is for people to post their LFS videos. The videos need not be good, they need not make broadcast-quality viewing, and they absolutely DO NOT need to meet any standard. They CAN be crap, and a person who posts a not-very-good video WILL NOT BE ABUSED on this forum for it.

This section of the LFS forum is for people to post their LFS videos. NOBODY will be chased off the forum for posting their best effort. NOBODY will be told their best is not good enough. NOBODY will, for posting their video, be belittled or insulted.

Frankly, I don't give a damn what your day job is. This section is for sim racing hobbyists to express themselves about a racing sim they play and they enjoy, by posting the videos they make about it, and THEY WILL NOT be scared off posting their videos BY ANYONE, for fear of meeting criticism on this forum.

If a professional photographer were to criticize all his family friends' holiday photos to HIS standard, he would be utterly friendless in NO time. NOBODY has the right to make THIS section of the forum friendless. Stop it.

In future, if you wish to critique a video that is posted in this section, to ANY level that is not the level of someone who has default Windows tools, such as Windows Movie Maker and a demo copy of Fraps, you are expected to obtain permission from the video's OP first. If this is the only way to prevent this appalling display of willy-waving in this subforum, then so be it.
a) I see you're missing the point...

1. I pointed out errors in the movie (which is called constructive criticism)
2. Author took that as errors he shouldn't have done, and took note
3. This totally unrelated guy comes in and tries to insult me...
4. I reply to him that he is not any good
5. You come in to tell me I'm a bad p, and for stating that he has no experience in video making to start making any points

b) Oh yeah, I will PM the authors of the movie with a message "May I please give you the list of 275 mistakes you did in your 20 second movie, so you could improve in making videos?"

let me put it to you this way

I will go and take a dump in the center of the city, and then show it to everybody...that was a massive effort, but nobody somehow likes it... now YOU would have to come to me and ask if you may tell me that what I have done in the center of the city is SHIT.

If people can't take constructive criticism that has been made about (in this case NOT THEIR) video and go trolling and insulting it's non of my problems, I WILL make posts in this forum, and I WILL state my opinion, and I WILL rate the videos and point out the mistakes, and people HAVE been thanking me for my posts because it actually made them improve their video making skills, and people HAVE been asking to comment on their videos...

Final point : If a person post his movie here, he want people to watch it and to like it, but if the movie is not entertaining because it contains a lot of mistakes, his movie will not be liked, my comments actually contain information on how to improve their videos and help the newbie movie makers improve, which actually leads to them making better movies, which contain less mistakes (or even no mistakes) and have more chances of recieving positive comments in the future.

You don't want constructive criticism (as you call it "abusing") in this forum - ban me
#20 - SamH
I'm not missing the point, I'm making a point of order. Posting a video in this section is NOT akin to taking a dump in the middle of a city. If someone chooses to INVITE critiques, then feel free. If they're just sharing their videos with the community, they should be free to do so without expecting their videos to be ripped apart by you, or anyone.
Quote from SamH :I'm not missing the point, I'm making a point of order. Posting a video in this section is NOT akin to taking a dump in the middle of a city. If someone chooses to INVITE critiques, then feel free. If they're just sharing their videos with the community, they should be free to do so without expecting their videos to be ripped apart by you, or anyone.

So you're basically saying, is...let me just imagine this

someone makes a bad movie and know that it's not going to be liked...because it's flawed in many ways...
so he posts it and says : "ONLY POSITIVE FEEDBACK, NO CRITICISM"
and wait till the thread dies with zero comments?

or can I post something like "2/10, great movie"?

Uwe Boll would love that method in hollywood actually
#22 - SamH
How about, if someone doesn't specifically request to have their video chewed up and spat out with a full-on barrage of a critique, you post in a friendly, helpful and supportive fashion or you don't post. That is to say, in such cases, if you can't say anything nice then say absolutely nothing at all. If that all doesn't make sense then I'm saying you should act like the rest of us do, and not like a troll. Unless invited by the video OP to do so, of course.
I too has reacted on your way of giving critique, squid. The least you could do is to turn down the level of sarcasm in your replies.

Edit: After all, this isn't X-factor and the people posting videos here are not trying to become super stars.
Quote from SamH :you post in a friendly, helpful and supportive fashion

If that:
Quote from felplacerad :The least you could do is to turn down the level of sarcasm in your replies.

is the point you were trying to make in the first place - then point taken...
wow. Its over.

thankyou for sorting this out SamH i fear if you had not stepped in with a fresh view of things it would still be going on.

I Appreciate people like squidhead spend a lot of time helping others improve videos, but i dont appreciate the crude and harsh views that were taken when they expected an amazing video becuase of the title of this thread. This is my best lfs video, my 2nd one, so dont expect, like others have said, for it to be Television standard.

I did ask for feedback, but not how it has come. At least this way my video has attracted alot of attention, as an advertising video's point is to do

"Originally Posted by SamH
you post in a friendly, helpful and supportive fashion"

I suggest this is the way that critisism proceeds in the future, but i am sad that this message had to be broadcasted through my video

thankyou to anyone that did or does in the future enjoy my video, and thankyou to squid for the suggestions i am re-working it now


Back to the topic of the video, squid, if i could converse normally with you or anyone else, how can i improve my fps?


My best ever lfs movie based at south city
(32 posts, started )