Just noticed somethin.

The long yadda yadda about me on the CTRA site lists 66 retirements. But I know for a fact that it should read more. Atleast 2 more.

EDIT2: Just checked the values on the MyCTRA and the calculation is correct. But I'm sure it has been 66 retirements for quite some time. Is there a problem in the retirement detection?

It's been 66 for quite some time and even today I got a retirement. You are going to recieve a report about an offencive tyrewall!

EDIT: What's the LFS name of the tyre stack nearest the track in the last turn of FE Gold? I can't get it shown in the replay with the Ctrl+Shift combination.
Quote from J@tko :Same thing's happenned to me too. But I did actually submit the report and I made sure all of the things were filled in correctly.

I've resubmitted.

Your report was returned to you because it wasn't possible to process with the information you submitted - either it was the wrong replay, or the wrong person reported. Something prevented the admin processing it. Here's an example of your MyCTRA page when a report is returned to you like this:

You resubmitted your report without making any changes, and so it was dismissed.

[edit] Oh, except you don't see the "GO DO ADMIN STUFF" thingy
Could it be because, as I was out of the way, I waited until it auto-spectated me?

The other few have been disconnects. Does the system count them as retirements?

This is the replay of todays flip.
Yesterday during the race I got a screen message, according to which I had to type $notes and read what I got, sorry but I can't remember how the message looked like exactly. Ok I did that and there was something like a button, I pushed it and there was a message which looked something like this: "your license notes have been updated" or "check your new license notes", well something like that. After the race I've checked MyCTRA page and nothing new was there, it was still "You have no licence notes" as it used to be before. So what was that?
Sounds to me like you were spectating another driver, who received the message to go to $notes. You just saw his race control message because you were following his car at the time
Nope, I was driving
I'm not sure what caused that I can only think it must have been a confused packet that was delivered wrongly.
Well I have a version why this might have happened. A couple of races before I had beated track record, so I'm thinking this might have been a notification about this. I haven't had any records on CTRA before, so I don't know anything about these things, should I have been noticed or not, however during the next race another guy beated my record, so maybe after that a record that was in my license was erased immediately, but I still got a message due to the lag of the system or something...

Are my guesses correct, or theres nothing like this in CTRA?
You don't get admin messages for records, nope. Was the message that you saw big and yellow and written straight across the screen, or was it in the top left corner?
Big and yellow and written straight across the screen .
Quote from March Hare :Could it be because, as I was out of the way, I waited until it auto-spectated me?

Wowzer.. you're right. That bug must have been in there a looong time and I'm amazed it's not caused questionable numbers all along. It's actually not an easy fix, this time, but I'll get working on it. Thanks for the bug report!
Is it the same with timeout disconnects?

Since you give me points for just driving around on the Race 2 it's only fair that I give something back.
Something wierd happened to the website I think.
If you check the screen, everyone has the number 3, this was the same for evey server, not only Race 1.
Attached images
Oops.. my goof. Fixed. Thankees!
The "$track" screen has a list of the track records for each car. On FE Gold at least, that list is too long so it pushes the "OK" button completely off the screen and there's no way to click it.
Race 2:

I miss some layout at first chikane on FE4rev. It should be the same as on FE3rev.
Quote from Lateralus :The "$track" screen has a list of the track records for each car. On FE Gold at least, that list is too long so it pushes the "OK" button completely off the screen and there's no way to click it.

A temp fix is to switch to a much higher resolution, if you can, and then the table should fit in the window.
The table is resolution-independent so it won't fix it, sadly. We've finished up with more car classes than we have room to display at the moment, and the menu needs redesigning to cater for the extra cars. As a temporary solution, click the blue [?], top right of the menu.

Also, I'm not sure if you're aware that you can bind "$OK" and it will effectively click the OK button to clear the menus.
Race 2:

AS5rev runs 3 laps ~ 10 Minutes. One more lap would be fine...
It may be holding the laps down to 3, hoping that more people will join. Once you get a few more people in, it's likely it'll crank up the laps to 4 or 5.
Quote from VoiD :Race 2:

AS5rev runs 3 laps ~ 10 Minutes. One more lap would be fine...

Quote from SamH :It may be holding the laps down to 3, hoping that more people will join. Once you get a few more people in, it's likely it'll crank up the laps to 4 or 5.

What a clever System...
Definition error in ASP on CTRA website
I just clicked on one of the links to an open report I have and saw the following error;

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'
Name redefined
/inc/functions.asp, line 16
dim fs,f

Calling page was;
http://www.raceauthority.com/m ... port_a.asp?ReportID=XXXXX

I replaced the reportid with XXXXX's
Oooh.. cheers.. I'll go nab that!
Quote from SamH :Oooh.. cheers.. I'll go nab that!

You really should upgrade the site to ASP.Net you know