The online racing simulator
Vista SP1
(21 posts, started )
Vista SP1

I've just updated my Vista and downloaded Service Pack 1.
I can say that it's faster than it was before. I'm running it on a laptop with 1G RAM. Before installing SP1, my memory usage was always about 60-65%. Now it's 48 Swithching between menus and settings became faster... There are many other improvements included in SP1, but this one is the most noticeable.

Do any of you have any expreiences in connection with SP1? What other improvements does it contain you can say is noticeable as well?
#2 - Jakg
Generally "works better".

Didn't notice any memory usage drops, though.
#3 - wien
File copying and ZIP handling are the only things I've really noticed. They were very welcome though.
Someon know when is release Sp3 fos Xp?

I know is the beta to download but is bullshit
I can't install SP1, it said that it didn't installed succesfully, and after every shut down/boot/restart i get "configuring updates"... anyone knows what might be the problem?
Where can I even get it?
Searched google and found nothing except for that it will be released in March.
#7 - wien
Your favourite torrent site should have it available.
Can't torrent anything at my uni anymore.
Quote from wien :Your favourite torrent site should have it available.


Why microsoft release a update Like Sp1 for vista or Sp3 for Xp , via torrent?

Windows has a automatic update , so if windows dont download and install all alone , you have a pirated sh!t


Same here , there is a beta Sp3 for xp but is only beta

also say it release in march
I mean I remember reading something at engadget the other day that Microsoft released the entire iso file on the internet (on accident?) but I didn't think it was real etc.

Guess I have to wait for SP1 rather than SP1 beta
#11 - wien
SP1 is not available through Windows Update yet as Microsoft are waiting for driver writers to iron out some kinks (that's the story anyway). It IS done though and has gone out to manufacturing. Somewhere along the chain a copy of SP1 RTM has been leaked and has made its way to torrent sites. These copies are 100% authentic and the same as the final SP1 that will arrive in march.
MS service packs are dodgy enough without trying a beta version.
Yes, vista is currently a dog without 2gig of ram. Hooray if it now runs better but I really wouldn't bother getting too excited till march, then download the legit version.
In theory ( ha ha ) the current updates should be fine.
Beta versions are designed for testing ( like LFS ) and unless that's what your doing they should be left alone. ( Much like vista really )
#13 - wien
Quote from Racer X NZ :MS service packs are dodgy enough without trying a beta version.

It's not a beta version. It's the final RTM (Released To Manufacturing) version of SP1.
Quote from wien :It's not a beta version. It's the final RTM (Released To Manufacturing) version of SP1.

Then it's on the MS update site - lol.
If not - it ain't final !
And service packs are still dodgy. My advice is leave it a week & check the boards for problems
Unless you like beta testing operating systems.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Hey!

I've just updated my Vista and downloaded Service Pack 1.
I can say that it's faster than it was before. I'm running it on a laptop with 1G RAM. Before installing SP1, my memory usage was always about 60-65%. Now it's 48 Swithching between menus and settings became faster... There are many other improvements included in SP1, but this one is the most noticeable.

Do any of you have any expreiences in connection with SP1? What other improvements does it contain you can say is noticeable as well?

my laptop: "Ditto"
Afaik it's availiable for msdn users since last week or so. Main reason for not being released to whole public are issues with some drivers (and programa) ms wants to be fixed till march.

Another thing: Will there be a complete sp1 for vista so I can slipstream a version?
Quote from three_jump :Main reason for not being released to whole public are issues with some drivers (and programa) ms wants to be fixed till march.

Hmmmm, so this is MS's idea of a final version ????
Quote from Racer X NZ :Hmmmm, so this is MS's idea of a final version ????

Ever seen a MS version which worked flawless out of the box?
BTW: You can't really blame MS for companies making shit drivers / software (Norton ***cough***)

And those are meant to be put on the pc via windows update before the release. Therefore my question.
Quote from Inouva :
Same here , there is a beta Sp3 for xp but is only beta

a) It's not beta, its a release candidate.

b) It's freely available on the m$ site.

And yes, I do have it.
I've downloaded it via Windows update...And it's not beta
Quote from Töki (HUN) :I've downloaded it via Windows update...And it's not beta

Normaly windows download all the updates without enter to internet (With the browser) m i w8 to my W xp donwload the sp3 alone

Vista SP1
(21 posts, started )