The online racing simulator
#1 - Bean0
Quick Question - Dropped Reports
What exactly is the score with dropped reports.

I dropped one shortly after I created it, then just this weekend got an email stating the outcome.

I would have thought that once I dropped it, then that was that concerning the report ?
I think admins can raise their own complaint if they feel that badly about the incident but then my understanding is that they would have created a new report number, being a seperate complaint
#3 - SamH
Dropping a report isn't the same as deleting a report. If you drop a report, it's just no longer listed at $rep in the server. Some of the more prolific reporters were not able to click the "Okay" button at $rep, because the list of their reports was so long. Dropping/restoring reports is just a way to tidy up your own screen.

At MyCTRA, click "Show All" or "Hide Dropped" in the last column head.
Ah, so a dropped report is a hidden report and a deleted report is a dropped report. So when you say "Hide Dropped" that means "Hide Hidden" I think I got it now
#5 - SamH
Hmm.. when you put it that way...
never made sense to me either *shrug*.
#7 - SamH
They're not dropped reports, they're simply fragments of existance that you refuse to acknowledge. They exist and they did happen, you just don't want to know about them anymore?

I have locked this thread before it goes to a bad bad place
#11 - Dru
No, a worse place, with even less intelligence.

I donno I tink they are neck in neck =)