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Blair finally under investigation for War Crimes
Don't get too excited as the Met have a fairly pathetic record of doing anything other that a whitewash over anything political but at least it's a start.

The Blair Government's War Crimes Police Investigation

A small, brave group of Members of the UK Parliament and anti-war resisters who after about 150 failed attempts in 44 separate jurisdictions have persuaded the London Metropolitan Police to conduct an investigation into allegations of War Crimes conducted by the then PM, Tony Blair, his Cabinet and the Government's Attorney General, Peter Goldsmith.

The Metropolitan Police is currently investigating 14 alleged crimes including genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and conduct ancillary to those under the UK's International Criminal Court Act of 2001, Sections 51 and 52 as well as crimes against peace and complicity in crimes against peace under the Nuremburg Principles, murder and incitement to murder under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 and conspiracy to commit genocide and crimes against humanity and war crimes under the Criminal Law Act of 1977.

The Police interviewed Chris Coverdale and the other complainants for over six-and-a-half hours. The investigation is currently ongoing. Further information is available at the Make War History website.

One of the key factors in bringing about this investigation was the fact that just before 911 the UK Government enacted the International Criminal Court Act of 2001 which has its basis in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 1998 and in the spirit of the International Treaty for the Renunciation of War, 1928. However utopian you may think this nevertheless the case is that under the 2001 Act those who incite war and the murder of innocent people are held to be war criminals. Clearly, both the Bush and Blair governments fell into that category when they illegally attacked peaceful countries. They broke their own respective genocide laws.

Moreover, according to the same 2001 law, all those who paid taxes to the criminal governments who conducted that aggression were themselves complicit in war crimes unless they had refused to pay such taxes and had taken an active part in resisting such wars. Millions of war criminals!

The five videos below record Chris Coverdale's initial complaint to the Metropolitan Police at its Belgravia Station and the Press Conference that followed at the House of Commons on 19 January 2008.

Chris Coverdale is calling for British citizens, Peace and Anti-War groups &c to now take similar action and to lodge similar complaints, using the same UK laws against these war criminals, at every Police station throughout the land. Many of us have waited for so long for justice to be done and for these evil men to answer for their crimes. At no previous time has a British government committed such a great crime against humanity as has the Blair/Brown government against Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the Australian, Dr Gideon Polya, the death toll in these two countries ever since Gulf War I is now over 8 million!

I would therefore appeal to all my British readers to consider taking their own action along these lines. I have downloaded and burned onto disk the above five videos which are useful to show audiences at local group meetings. If UK readers would like a copy of the disk they should send me an email request to
Politically motivated prosecutions are extremely destructive to democratic government. What kind of democracy do you have when after you lose an election your opponents gather together to prosecute and imprison you?

This is the kind of stuff people do all the time in third world countries. Think about it.
#3 - Woz
Quote from somasleep :Politically motivated prosecutions are extremely destructive to democratic government. What kind of democracy do you have when after you lose an election your opponents gather together to prosecute and imprison you?

This is the kind of stuff people do all the time in third world countries. Think about it.

Its NOT about election loss. Bush and Blair should BOTH be locked up. They lied and cheated their way into a war and then tried to sweap the lies under the carpet.

BTW: US is not even a real democracy, votes = money nothing else
Quote from somasleep :Politically motivated prosecutions are extremely destructive to democratic government. What kind of democracy do you have when after you lose an election your opponents gather together to prosecute and imprison you?

This is the kind of stuff people do all the time in third world countries. Think about it.

Breaking the law is breaking the law.
Quote from somasleep :This is the kind of stuff people do all the time in third world countries. Think about it.

I already thought about it, way more than you think, just as some of the people who are interested in these subjects. Perhaps something less generic would make me change my mind, but I doubt very much you'll be able to, unless you resort to much more detailed reasonings.

A war of aggression is a war of aggression, full stop. Interesting news.
#6 - Bean0
Source ?
Or is this jsut some sort of spam email doing the rounds.
How about the Make War History website mentioned in the original post?

As I already said in some other thread I don't believe that such attempts will ever be successful, but if they did, I'd be relieved.
#8 - Bean0
Quote from Albieg :How about the Make War History website mentioned in the original post?

Top Google result gets me a blog that was last updated in November 2007. The email address to contact for more info is a bit 'iffy' as well.
I think this is sad. I hate the modern concept of 'War Crimes'. I never liked Anthony, but to suggest locking him up for his small part in some wars is ridiculous - it won't make anything better, and it won't improve things for the country as a whole. It's just stupid.
Quote from Bean0 :Top Google ...

The video of the press conference in the homepage is dated Feb 14 2008.

Quote from tristancliffe :I think this is sad. ...

I think this is happy, but sad, happy, does that mean anything apart from a personal feeling? And improve things in which Country? I'm interested in geopolitics, in this case. And yes, that would improve things a lot. My opinion, of course, but justice should never be an opinion, and people in power should never be above the law, no matter if it happened in the past.
I don't mean sad as in personal emotions, but sad as in the shameful the public think like this.

How would it improve. And what laws has he broken?

The only reason War Crimes exist is because of 'do-gooders' who think that everything should have blame attached to it, and one particular person. If Blair is done for war crimes then I think every member of every military group past and present in the entire world needs to be tried as well. Which would be silly. When are the Vikings going to be tried for War Crimes. When is Christianity going down for it, along with ALL other religions? It's all just a load of bollocks.
Quote from tristancliffe :I don't mean sad as in personal emotions, but sad as in the shameful the public think like this.

How would it improve. And what laws has he broken?

Here: ... says-bush-blair-could.php

And then you can search relevant international laws by yourself.

And about the past: I don't care about Vikings. Let's avoid pretending we're living in the same cultural climate, it sounds utterly stupid, just as your examples which are set in times far, far away. Things are different, and asking for accountability is the right thing to do for today's politicians.

Edit: I'll add that there's nothing shameful in this. Nothing. You can consider yourself a realist if you like, just as I do, but just ask Reg Keys if he feels any shame about indicting Blair. He knows better, and he'd be civil enough not to put any shame on you.
So should we have two types of humans, those who can do whatever they like, break any laws because they are ' above ' them.
Then others who for whatever reason must be controlled by laws.

Sound's like 'Animal Farm' then Tristancliffe, All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Maybe only some racers need to follow yellow, blue flag rules then ?

And who are they ?
Orwell and Huxley, they always come back. Why Huxley?

Because in Brave New World there's a drug called soma that makes you so happy... And as it acts as a respiratory depressant it's also used for euthanasia in a seemingly perfect world that completely refuses individual thought... A soma induced eternal sleep.
#15 - SamH
It's a pointless discussion. I think the first post is fiction, and if after all this time we haven't managed to bring on a war crime or human rights prosecution against Israel, we'll never manage it for Blair or Bush. Bloody wish it would happen, though.
If you think the text in the OP is ficticious and want to live in a world where politicians speak the truth and fear the community, email for more info on how to act.
Just a general question: if I think something is wrong should I stop acting and talking about it just because I have very few hopes? I don't think so. To me it would be like crossing the thin line between realism and cynicism, where all hope is lost and nothing can be achieved. One, at that point, says "yeah, yeah, seen that before, heard that before, things just go this way" and then turn the other way around enjoying their superiority over the poor beings who waste so much time and effort trying to follow their ideals.

Whoever wants it, he/she's free to do so. I marched in Aviano against the Iraq and Afghan wars and I don't regret it. I knew it wouldn't help, but rest assured I don't feel like I wasted my time.
Wars, generally, are damn good for all countries involved (in the medium to long term). It's also great marketting
#19 - SamH
I was an active political lobbyist for a lot of years, so I'm certainly not one with a counter-argument Albieg, but I've come out of political lobbying having been thoroughly disillusioned by the disproportionate influence that some lobby groups have on government policy. I'm just waiting quietly, now, for a democracy to emigrate to. I hope one happens soon cuz I'm running out of time.
Quote from Racer X NZ :At no previous time has a British government committed such a great crime against humanity as has the Blair/Brown government against Iraq and Afghanistan.

Eh? Google "The British Empire". Whose great idea do you think it was to form countries like Iraq in the first place?
#21 - 5haz
Blair is gone now, can't we just let the old man retire!

Yes it was a bad idea to enter into any war with the US, the UK should have fought IMO, everyone remeber whe France refused to fight, how quite a lot of people from the US and UK gave ridiculed them for it, well look whose laughing now, were stuck in a vietnam style situation, and we are a huge target for terrorists, it doesnt matter if it doesent look good for the UK, Brown should have them out immediately, the US and UK's efforts to get the Iraqi/Afghanistahni goernments to fight off Al Quaeda themselves has gone the same way as vietnamisation did, disasterous!

But just leave Blair alone now, it wasnt his decision alone to go to war so he cannot be held totally responsible!
Quote from SamH :I was an active political lobbyist for a lot of years, so I'm certainly not one with a counter-argument Albieg

I don't believe in conventional politics. That's why I don't lobby and I don't beg for votes. I don't even vote in general elections and I don't believe - from a theoretical point of view - that a democracy is the best form of government. I don't act in the name of someone else and I don't ask people to do what I do. But I see absolutely nothing wrong in sharing my opinions with others and making them public. No matter the result and no matter if people who think they know better shrug their shoulders because they have all the answers they already need. I don't. But for sure I won't emigrate because I'm fine with myself. Italy may suck and may be different from the democracy of my dreams, but I'm staying here because my life doesn't suck. Still, this is no reason to become cynical, for me. Just the contrary.

Edit: even hyperlinks are swear-filtered... Well, replace the magic asterisks with the dreaded word you might imagine and the hyperlink works.
Quote from 5haz :But just leave Blair alone now, it wasnt his decision alone to go to war so he cannot be held totally responsible!

I suspect the Met might have a spot of bother in starting an investigation into Dubya for war crimes.

First of all - the OP is from David Icke's site, the man behind the reptilian humanoid conspiracy theory, and according to him even Tony Blair is a reptilian who has shapeshifted into human form.

So please let me focus on the most important post of this thread and a source of uncontrollable airguitaring inspiration:

Quote from MAGGOT :Breaking the law is breaking the law.

You have no idea how long that damned song has been stuck in my head... stuck in my head... in fact, I often speak following the tune, following the tune.
Quote from xaotik :First of all - the OP is from David Icke's site,

Uh oh.

If we're going to nick Tony Blair for anything, it should be for interfering in the fraud investigation into the deal cut between BAE systems and Saudi Arabia. That wasn't just criminal, it was (and still is) a national embarrassment.