drag car skin
(13 posts, started )
drag car skin
plz could sum1 make this skyline drag car into a skin for the XRT? if sum1 will much appreciated. here is a pic.
skinners plz make this skin
you do understand that is VERY big job?
yes i do but this will be the only skin i ask for for quite a long time!... plz i no it is a very big job but it looks so cool...
lol once again ^^ you could try to make it yourself...
#6 - Rish
Unfortunately for you you have a habit of making a lot of requests and pestering people into making skins for you which is quite annoying. If you weren't so annoying you might find that people are a lot more helpful. (sorry for my honesty).
I'd have a go at that if it was for someone that i thought actually wanted the skin and would use it but i know that next week there will be a new thread made by you requesting something else!
fine... i give up with that skin! i have a problem... i bought a lisence but it still says i am a demo racer... wot do i do?
im not sure he bought a license....i may be proven wrong
Smells like bullshit to me, unless it was under a different name.
Wow it wasn't.

Still, I won't be making it.
Quote from C4R K1NG :fine... i give up with that skin! i have a problem... i bought a lisence but it still says i am a demo racer... wot do i do?

u have an lfs account, go to account details and than make a GAME password, then go ingame an type the gamepass u made in unlock s2and whala! u got s2

drag car skin
(13 posts, started )