The online racing simulator
A country missing
(22 posts, started )
A country missing
Whilst it's new and there's all the recognition issue and stuff, Kosovo has not been added to LFS. Whilst I'm not from there, it's missing (OK, it only became independant yesterday). Also there's the Croatia fix.

And I don't want this to become a discussion of the actual events, you're free to start a thread in off topic about that, OK?
I'm gonna wait a bit before adding Kosovo as a new country. It's not at all official yet and there are still a lot of deliberations and actions going on.

The Croatia (Hrvatska) issue has been fixed a little over two weeks ago though. If you still see that somewhere instead of just Croatia, it's a bug (ie. let me know).
Yup, fixed. I've not seen it anywhere, although I'll tell you if I do so you can squash bugs using a steamroller of choice.

However, there are a few more bugs/issues/oddities. Some of these are matters of opinion, this is not intended to be a criticism of anyone's modus operandi.

Cote d'Ivoire, whilst officially called that, is often reffered to as Ivory Coast - it's called Ivory Coast by the BBC and pretty much every news outlet. Whilst the government there are pretty monked off by that. Would it be an idea going for one name?
Falklands - do we really need the Malvinas bit? Given the Croatia thing.
Possible tpyo - by Lao, do you mean Laos? Don't worry, I make typing screwups.
Ah yes, North and South Korea show up on eachother's search results.

Not really an issue, I don't think there's that many LFSers from those countries. So don't bother if they're more than five minute jobs each :P
Quote from duke_toaster :Whilst it's new and there's all the recognition issue and stuff, Kosovo has not been added to LFS. Whilst I'm not from there, it's missing (OK, it only became independant yesterday). Also there's the Croatia fix.

And I don't want this to become a discussion of the actual events, you're free to start a thread in off topic about that, OK?

And that's really not your business, it's not official and it is not acknowlegded by Serbia, Russia and some EU countries..
Quote from Boris Lozac :And that's really not your business, it's not official and it is not acknowlegded by Serbia, Russia and some EU countries..

Quote from Me in post one :And I don't want this to become a discussion of the actual events, you're free to start a thread in off topic about that, OK?

I don't really care about the actual issue (no personal links to the region), I'm just posting it before someone else does. Best to get such an issue (or percieved issue) dealt with sooner rather than later.

And, as I said before, you're free to start a thread in off topic about the actual events but we don't want nasty stuff filling this section even more than it currently is filled with, albeit different forms of nasty stuff.
Quote from duke_toaster :I don't really care about the actual issue (no personal links to the region), I'm just posting it before someone else does. Best to get such an issue (or percieved issue) dealt with sooner rather than later.

Better wait and see the development of the situation, don't you think.. If someone inhabited your back yard and called it theirs would you just accept it? The situation is nasty over here, and let's not rush with the conclusions..
Quote from Boris Lozac :Better wait and see the development of the situation, don't you think.. If someone inhabited your back yard and called it theirs would you just accept it? The situation is nasty over here, and let's not rush with the conclusions..

Boris, you must be joking right.
Let's not get into political details here as I might know something about it.
Gentlemen, calm down

Seriously, if you want to discuss the actual events, do so in off topic. And a real moderator would probably agree with me, despite my mod-wannabe tendancies.

You two both know more about the situation than me, for obvious reasons, so I'll shut up (and listen to both of you) about the actual events there and talk about the LFS side of things only.

Please, you're both nice guys and I don't want things to get stupid.
Quote from duke_toaster :Gentlemen, calm down

Seriously, if you want to discuss the actual events, do so in off topic. And a real moderator would probably agree with me, despite my mod-wannabe tendancies.

You two both know more about the situation than me, for obvious reasons, so I'll shut up (and listen to both of you) about the actual events there and talk about the LFS side of things only.

Please, you're both nice guys and I don't want things to get stupid.

I agree and believe that Victors post about Kosovo not yet being included finalizes this thread; at least for the time being.
Quote from gohfeld23 :I agree and believe that Victors post about Kosovo not yet being included finalizes this thread; at least for the time being.

I agree, and that's what i said..
Quote from duke_toaster :Cote d'Ivoire [...] officially called that

Well, that's settled then - it's fine.

Quote :Ah yes, North and South Korea show up on eachother's search results.

Learn how search works. If you search for 'North Korea' you are, in reality, searching for 'North' OR 'Korea'. If you use '"North Korea"' you'll get better results.
[quote=Victor;713985]I'm gonna wait a bit before adding Kosovo as a new country. It's not at all official yet and there are still a lot of deliberations and actions going on.

Are you saying that acceptance of independence by Afghanistan, Costa Rica, USA, France, Albania, Turkey, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Latvia, Malaysia, Estonia, Italy, Denmark, Luxembourg and many many other countries, is not official enough for you. Can you at least tell me what are the criteria that Kosovo has to fulfill in order for you to see it as an official state?
Well whatever I guess I have to respect your decision as it's yours to make, but just so you know Kosovo has been independent since 1999, the 17 February 2008 declaration was just to make it official!
Clearly it's because Canada hasn't accepted it.
Quote from Bashkim :

Are you saying that acceptance of independence by Afghanistan, Costa Rica, USA, France, Albania, Turkey, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Latvia, Malaysia, Estonia, Italy, Denmark, Luxembourg and many many other countries, is not official enough for you. Can you at least tell me what are the criteria that Kosovo has to fulfill in order for you to see it as an official state?
Well whatever I guess I have to respect your decision as it's yours to make, but just so you know Kosovo has been independent since 1999, the 17 February 2008 declaration was just to make it official!

Calm down and let it stay please, things will come naturally and the situation in Kosovo will normalize with time. Is it an important thing? yes. But this is not the place to start an argue about it. We are talking about serious real life things and this is just a game, remember it.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Clearly it's because Canada hasn't accepted it.

Yeah whats up Canada, why haven't you made your mind yet!
Quote from Boris Lozac :Better wait and see the development of the situation, don't you think.. If someone inhabited your back yard and called it theirs would you just accept it? The situation is nasty over here, and let's not rush with the conclusions..

calm down mate
As it will probably never be recognized by the UN (Russia and probably China will use their veto to prevent it) it's hard to call it a country.

It's pretty much a Nato recognition which represents what? 1/4 of the world? It's a good deal for NATO as they will be able to put military bases in this region. From my point of view it's the main goal of this joke.

I wonder what would happen if one day in the future the world (understand NATO) was to busy with something else to protect the Kosovo. It might become nasty around there! Well it wouldn't be something new in the Balkan!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Clearly it's because Canada hasn't accepted it.

Or because Holland hasn't accepted it yet.
Quote from Maelstrom :
It's pretty much a Nato recognition which represents what? 1/4 of the world? It's a good deal for NATO as they will be able to put military bases in this region. From my point of view it's the main goal of this joke.

No I think the main aim in supporting this is to try and sort out the sorry mess that the NATO members made of the Kosovo conflict.
Quote from Maelstrom :Well it wouldn't be something new in the Balkan!

You're right there.. when it finaly seemed that we got rid of the nasty past and idiotic regime of former governments, the past smacked us in the face again.. It seemed that after the 5th october 2000. we finaly exterminated that ugly regime and get on with our lives normally... We finally had a right man representing us, the visionare, the REAL democrat, but the evil men shot him down Our curent prime minister is heading us in the dark past again and what you see happening these days in Belgrade and other places is HIS fault and nobody elses. They brains are still in cavemen age and are trying to send us all there AGAIN!

And yes, there is the one of the largest (if not THE largest) US military bases in Europe stationed in Kosovo..
Quote from duke_toaster :And I don't want this to become a discussion of the actual events, you're free to start a thread in off topic about that, OK?

Not that your discussion isn't interesting, but those who would like to participate and share their experiences or thoughts would find this thread easier if it would been discussed in off-topic.

A country missing
(22 posts, started )