The completely stupid but interesting trivia thread
Well, this one does what it says on the tin.

In The Bible, not including the worldwide flood OR first born Egyptians, god kills a number of people around the total population of Latvia.
In the UK, it is considered an act of treason to stick a postage stamp on upside down.
A male doctor in Bahrain can only examine the genitals of a woman in the reflection of a mirror.

Come on, you guys can do better than me :P
  • It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
  • In Ohio, it is against state law to get a fish drunk.
  • Eating mince pies on Christmas Day is banned
  • No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
  • You are not permitted to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least two cows.
  • In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.
  • Royal Navy ships that enter the Port of London must provide a barrel of rum to the Constable of the Tower of London.
  • In London, it is illegal to flag down a taxi if you have the plague.
Hippopotamus milk is pink.
There's a town in California that actually has a statute on the books making it illegal to set off a nuclear warhead within city limits.
I have a 20 mile country road commute every day to work. Next time I'm late, I will have to show the Pennsylvania lawbooks as my defense on my tardyness....

- Any motorist driving along a country road at night must stop every mile and send up a rocket signal, wait 10 minutes for the road to be cleared of livestock, and continue.

I'm glad to see this one. I'll have to investigate the wife to be sure she is following the law....

- A special cleaning ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling.

We could have used this one reminded publicly after the last few years of teenage wardrobe choices....

- One's pants may be worn no lower than five inches below the waist.
When you die, your hair and nails do not grow - instead your skin retreats which creates the illusion.

And duck's quack echoes! If you claim otherwise I'll punch you in the face when I meet you. That said, I'm short on cash so - if possible - travel to my home town before doing your statement about duck's quack's acoustic properties.
The cat's paws are made out of the same skin as the cat's nose. This makes some not-so-credible researchers believe that felines are descended from suction cups.

The penguin has a gland between it's eyes that allows it to drink salt water.

The only word in Greek that has four consonants in a row is εκστρατεία.
Chances are if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, every time you inhale, 1 of those air particles was inhaled by Socrates at a point in his life.
Koalas have two thumbs on each hand, which is why they're such terrible pianists.
On average, 100 people choke on ball point pens every year.

Over 2500 left-handed people are killed from using products made for right-handed people.

In your lifetime, your body will produce more than 25,000 quarts (23,658 liters) of saliva.
Did you know that if you believe everything in this thread, then you're a gullible idiot?
I have three penises.
This thread is going to get closed if it gets any worse, that's a fact. Lets try to keep it factual.
Quote from wheel4hummer :I have three penises.

Which also brings up this little bit of trivia: the biggest source of procrastination in modern workspaces comes from online forum usage.
Quote from xaotik :Which also brings up this little bit of trivia: the biggest source of procastration in modern workspaces comes from online forum usage.

Fixed !
In Turkey, if you are accused of drink-driving by the police, they are allowed to drive you miles into the middle of no-where and laugh at you as you walk back.

In California, it is illegal to clean your car with dirty underwear.

In some parts of Canada, you must drive with an anchor with you at all times.
Quote from Rappa Z :Lets try to keep it factual.

Who are you to decide what is a fact and what isn't?
Quote from Rappa Z :This thread is going to get closed if it gets any worse, that's a fact.

That is not a fact, that is an opinion.
Quote from JO53PHS :That is not a fact, that is an opinion.

Factually speaking, your correction of the fact that his 'fact' is, in fact, an opinion, is, in and of itself, a fact!
Quote from Stang70Fastback :Factually speaking, your correction of the fact that his 'fact' is, in fact, an opinion, is, in and of itself, a fact!

Well, whille that is true....ah whathever, fact this thread.
Us spammers are actually just hardcore transcendentalists!
This thread is fact up.
From a complete stop, a human is capable of outrunning a Formula One Racecar for about 30 feet!