The online racing simulator
The AI are a bunch of beligerent wreckers (and are also too consistent)
Okay so maybe it's been said before. If so, kindly either fill me in on the situation or provide a link. Don't be a forum nazi, posting here is not a competition. (end rant)

Off-line racing is very important for learning tracks. And AI is important for learning tracks in traffic.


The bastards are always ramming me. If the car in front is slow the AI seem to attempt to just barge through them with little regard for anything except keeping themselves on the racing line! They don't ever seem to try and safe and legal over-taking manoeuvre. Even in the pits if you're driving a bit slowly they just try and ram through you!

Maybe this is difficult to program, I don't know. It couldn't be too difficult write an algorithm that determines who has priority on the racing line and for the AI to back off if it's the player (or another AI car). Ideally, different AI driver could have an aggressiveness setting (with it optionally "random").

Too consistent

I also notice that if I do qualifying with a bunch of AI, half the time they all run the exact same qualifying time, or within a hundredth of a second from each other! This also makes the racing very boring. Just a line of cars snaking around the racing line at exactly the same speed the whole race!

LFS is a truly stunning simulation as it stands, but it won't be properly complete until this is fixed.
Valid points but:
Okay yes, you have been here longer than me and have seen something similar before. That's nothing to be condescending about.

I mean, what's the point of that post apart from a little bit of a dick-measuring competition? You must have known exactly what I was going to say after you read the thread title?

Either be helpful or don't respond. Geez I even put a disclaimer in right up the top.

This type of behaviour on an anonymous forum really impresses nobody at all.
agree with that they are wercers
Look, I agree with everything you said, but it's a topic beaten to death. Then again, you didn't have these discussions yet (multiple times), so please by all means have it. I won't interrupt it any further.
That's fine, because as you clearly saw when you signed up for LFS, not only is it an ALPHA product, it's also designed for primarily ONLINE racing...
Quote from Dajmin :That's fine, because as you clearly saw when you signed up for LFS, not only is it an ALPHA product, it's also designed for primarily ONLINE racing...

Easy Tiger! It's not an insult to the game!

I love LFS, best racing sim ever.

I'm also aware that it's an alpha version. However, this is an improvements forum, and this is an issue. I also specified why off-line AI racing is important.
When you post a thread READ THE AUTO SEARCH SUGGESTIONS FIRST!!!!!!!!
It should be like this..
If you add a object on the road they try to avoid
same as you
Ugh. I give up.

So - I posted something that's been posted before. Who cares? Am I inconveniencing our grizzled, old, all-knowing veterans of the forum that much? I think not.

The thread title was crystal clear, you didn't have to click on it. You certainly didn't have to read it and then post your comment.

Seriously, get a grip. Posting on a forum is not a competition, nor does the occasional newbie blunder inconvenience anyone as much as you're pretending.

A repeated post is good for me and other new members.

If it annoys you so much you have to go out of your way to post something in capitals and bold then I suggest you simply ignore the adequately titled thread, that you could not possibly have stumbled into by accident. Simple, problem solved. Also, get a prescription for Valium or something.

And for your information, I did actually do a search and only found one related thread in the "old threads" section. But seriously, if it's not on the first page then new member shouldn't be forced to search through old threads and the risk of incurring the wrath of the older members who have been so dreadfully inconvenienced by having to have seen the same question asked multiple times.
Quote from Ikaponthus :

So - I posted something that's been posted before. Who cares?


(like mine ).. i must be better
Neither of you should be encouraged.

Not only did the OP completely ignore the existing list of suggestions (a f*cking sticky with block caps in it), the auto-search on the topic name must also have flagged up a bunch of stuff relating to the AI and how it's flawed and unfinished.
So exactly what is the problem if something is posted twice, thrice, or even twenty times? Seriously? It's probably actually a good thing, shows that it's a popular issue.

I know there's people that get their knickers in a knot on every Internet forum but I've never understood it at all. I think it's just forum nazi big-noting. Who cares?

Afterall, It's not as if as if these posts are clogging up the forum! this is the only one on the subject on the entire first page! I could understand if there were fifteen posts about the same subject every day, but there simply is not. So that's not a valid argument.

So what is? The thread title is crystal clear, nobody forced you to click on it and read it, let alone respond.

I'm honestly struggling to see the problem. If you see a thread title you've read about multiple times before here's the solution: don't click on the thing and try and chastise another poster. No poster here is better or more senior than any other just because they've been around longer. It's not a competition.

You forum nazis just need to relax and take it easy and ask yourself the question, are you seriously that inconvenienced?
dude nobody likes you. You're a overly defensive ass on every post you've managed to spit out.
I love you too.

Seriously, Internet Tough Guys just give me the sh!ts. I'm sure that in real life, if I asked the same people a question they had heard many times before, they'd be nice as pie to my face. They wouldn't say, "look it up" or something. Don't understand why they have to develop an attitude online.

Although you're right, I probably do get overly annoyed about it.
rgg you make it hard to be angry
Quote from Ikaponthus :if I asked the same people a question they had heard many times before, they'd be nice as pie to my face. They wouldn't say, "look it up" or something.

If there was a table beside you with a book entitled "Why the AI Sucks" then I'd punch you in the head, throw the book at you and walk off.

Seriously dude, look around. Have you never seen the "Posting and You" animation? I suggest you watch it ASAP.
People with that attitude are the reason coffee cups have a warning about hot contents. Please stop being one of them.
Quote from Dajmin :If there was a table beside you with a book entitled "Why the AI Sucks" then I'd punch you in the head, throw the book at you and walk off.

I promise you, you wouldn't. And even if you did do the first two things, you wouldn't be doing the last.

Quote :Seriously dude, look around. Have you never seen the "Posting and You" animation? I suggest you watch it ASAP.

What a load of condescending tripe.

Get off your high horse for a second and ask yourself the question, "What does it matter?". What's the negative impact? And then ask yourself, why are you still clicking on this thread you hate so much?

What's the big deal? Why not just ... be nice?


Seriously, answer for me the question, "why does it matter?"
I AM being nice.
Ask yourself "why didn't I engage my brain before posting all this crap?".
Your question shouldn't be "why does it matter?" it should be "why should anyone bother answering my question when they've answered it already several times in an archive that can be very easily searched?"

I'm not posting any more on this. In fact you go on ignore until you can prove you're not a waste of breath.
From suggest to real life
Gayzus. LOL.

You need to lighten up mate. Internet forums are not dick measuring competitions. And if they were, I'd win anyway. Probably.

First of all, I didn't ask any question. Secondly, if you didn't want to read the topic or give a response, why click on the adequately titled thread in the first place?? Was it an accident?

Just ... relax. Get some Valium or have a beer or something ffs.
Well the only minor sort of "disrespect" is towards poor Hyperactive's time for compiling that "already suggested/mentioned" list that's stickied in this subforum.

Other than that, you could go all out and suggest a few of the things in that list anyway, it won't really change much apart from restarting the same discussions again.
Quote from xaotik :Well the only minor sort of "disrespect" is towards poor Hyperactive's time for compiling that "already suggested/mentioned" list that's stickied in this subforum.

Other than that, you could go all out and suggest a few of the things in that list anyway, it won't really change much apart from restarting the same discussions again.

You mean this?

Quote from that sticky other thread :Ai
+ Better AI Ai improved in Y patch
+ Different start reaction times for each AI driver plus chance of false start

Hmmm. Doesn't really sum up what I was getting at I don't think.

I will say that sticky thread is good though.
Guy I'm not going to go into repeat posting or why people read post they know will only annoy them but you can just post anything you want without doing all the stuff people have said or like you said, why does it matter if you post something again, but you will get this response every time.

Think of it like this, LFS has been going for a long time, so has this forum. Any questions or ideas will have, have already been asked and answered, I'm 99% sure, about a million times already. Also make sure you understand what LFS is, it's in development and so there are certain things that are not finished.

Believe it or not I have seen new people do the exact same thing you are doing many times over, you can either just accept that there are certain rules, so to speak, to follow or ignore it all and turn yourself a total muppet where every post you make will be ripped apart (I have seen people take this path as well) and anything valid you say will be totally lost.

Not trying to be a high and mighty dick about it, just trying to give some advice.
It's a fair point I suppose. I wouldn't be upset if people who had read/seen it a lot before just simply didn't reply or respond.

Sorry, I have a knee jerk reaction to Internet ball-sacks who think they are special because they've wasted more time posting than another person. They remind me of the Comic Book Guy in The Simpsons. Really, there's no need for people to be anything other than nice to each other.

Nobody is better than anyone else and it's not any user's job to police all the other users unless you're a moderator. And even they tend to have a deluded perception of their own importance and authority (on other forums, not here!).

Besides, my post wasn't that unoriginal anyway! I've subsequently done a search, and while there was four or five previous posts on the A.I. ramming, they were all slightly different and quite old. The sticky post didn't mention it at all and I couldn't find anything on the second issue about them driving like robots doing exactly the same lap-times. Maybe I didn't search hard enough, but I suggest that if I have to search for half an hour to find something similar then there's no real serious problem about repeating something that's be done to death anyway!

Okay. Rant over. I've said my piece and I don't want to keep this thread going forever.