The online racing simulator
Resolution Question
(53 posts, started )
Resolution Question
What resolution are most people running? I'm at near minimum in an effort to get frame rates up to around 40. Is there any advantage, other than cosmetic, to a higher res????

Thanks for your thoughts,

#2 - Smax
Not as far as I can see's probably more useful to "spend" the resources you've saved on increasing the mulitplayer draw distance, which has obvious benefits.
My res is 1024x768 32 bit @ 75Hz. I could run it at a higher res, but my monitor hertz my eyes at higher res then that, due to the fact it can only run them at 60Hz. My monitor sucks.

Running a lower res to get better FPS is better than running a higher res just so the game looks pretty.. much better!
I run @ 1280x1024. With the 19"LCD right in my face (almost) I can see pretty far, which does help to look ahead long distances. But FPS is more important than res, I agree.
(Usually I sit around 75-80 unless fullgrid in view then 45)
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
1600x1200 with ati panel set on optimal quality
1280x1024 8xAA/16xAF


Along with 8xAA/16xAF. Beat that.

I have screenshots if you want to see them.
#8 - Rob76
Quote from Forbin :Teehee....


Along with 8xAA/16xAF. Beat that.

I have screenshots if you want to see them.

What monitor is that? If my bonus is in my March pay cheque (like it was promised), after a few beers :drunk: I'm hoping to get a widescreen LCD. Does anyone recomend a particular model? Also, does LFS support widescreen with a wider view (hopefully see the passenger side wing mirror without a stupid FOV setting)?

BTW I'm currently on 1280x1024
Currently 1152x864x32 at 75 hertz. The next res. for me is 2048x1024 which squishes it up a bit and can only run 60 hertz. I have no idea what AA/AF I am running now since it's onboard and radlinker would crash the PC at reboot. I set them at 2x/4x, then had to uninstall radlinker. It looks like it is still set that way by the visuals and the fact that I still get 40-60 FPS. I was getting higher when radlinker was installed and I turned AA/AF off.
Quote from Rob76 :What monitor is that?

Sony GDM-FW900 24" widescreen CRT. It weighs about 100 lbs and does 2048x1280 @ 85Hz. Long live the CRT!
Quote from Forbin :Teehee....


Along with 8xAA/16xAF. Beat that.

Well I can run 2048x1536. (No AA though, stupid drivers)
(Compaq 22" 4:3 beast here)

And my friend got bored and bought a 30" dell monitor which runs at 2560x1600... but he doesn't have dual-DVI output to run it at such as res. (that's 16:10 btw)
1600x1200, 8xAA/16xAF. Runs fine most of the times, chokes a bit under full-screen smoke action, though.
#13 - avih
1600x1200, 2xAF, no AA
640x480. I am very Nostalgic
1440x900 (16:10) 2x 2x

The added width is very handy!
I'm running at 1920 x 1200, (no AA, as i just dont like the effect)

I like how the widescreen mode doesn't just STREEEETTTCH the screen.

80 - 90 fps, (unless a full grid, then get around 40 - 50)
I run @ 2048X1024 @75Hz AA & AF are set specific numbers I don't remember. I get about 40-60 FPS.
1024x768x16 @ 85Hz with almost all in-game GFX options off or minimal. No AA or AF, FPS limiter set to around the 85 mark (can't remember exactly). FPS is usually between 60 and 75 but hits the limiter occasionally.
1280x1024x16, 4xAA 4xAF, I usually hit well into the 100's on most tracks, and dip to 40-60 or so on full grid if I'm at the back.
1600 x 1280 with all the whistles and bells my 7800GT can provide. So it's 8 AA + 16 AF. Around 90fps almost all the time and sometimes 45 at slowest with more cars around. I actually played for a month or two with 1280 x 1024 before noticing that my new comp can do much better

Syncmaster 957p is little limiting my visual experience though... I think it's 60Hz atm...
1280x960@85hz, same as my windows desktop so alt-tabbing is painless.
Quote from the_angry_angel :1280x104x16, 4xAA 4xAF, I usually hit well into the 100's on most tracks, and dip to 40-60 or so on full grid if I'm at the back.

Whoa, that's WIIIIIIDE aspect ratio you've got there
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Whoa, that's WIIIIIIDE aspect ratio you've got there

Bah. Typo monster strikes again!

Everybody duck
1280x1024, 8xaa 16xaf

Resolution Question
(53 posts, started )