I remember one being erected in my last year at high school. It was at the time supposed to be one of the biggest in the UK.
It took a few days for it all to go up, consisted of several tube sections being hauled on low loaders, some pretty big crane shifting it all.
What I didn't understand was there was already 10 smaller windmills a few hundreds yards away from where this big one got constructed. These are the ones at Winterton/Somerton if anyone was wondering.
A few years ago they also put another fairly big one right next to the coast at Lowestoft. It was a massive eyesore as you got closer into the town (not that Lowestoft is much to look at).
Last but not least, theres a big windfarm about half a mile out at sea at Great Yarmouth, about 20 or so sit there. Scroby Sands I think it's called. They're maintained by Vestas.
Im not sure which would take more energy putting up, the ones in land or the ones out at sea?