The first thing that comes to my mind is : All our dreams about IGTC are probably destroyed.
We had practiced a lot, whole week was busy, day before and couple of hours before. All was perfect and we were waiting for race, but then it started. About hour or 1.5 before race it happened, first of all, i started to have network connections. 2nd driver (U.Tiirik) was terrorized by FPS freezes (that never happened before) and 3rd driver (R.Ziugand) was with same problem as i - network.
We started race in fear, start was pretty good, i was fast enough to make some overtakes etc and then POOF - connection lost. U.Tiirik got in and tryed to race with FPS problem - 10 laps and he told that it's impossible. So we sent 3rd driver, he drove out of pits and connection lost.
I'm in really really bad mood at this point - we had high expectations about Round 1 and hoped that we get in to IGTC, but now... yeh... it is like it is
Most dissapointing, is that im sitting behind PC about 3 hours now and no network problems

It's like someone told about our situation : "S*itty things happens always when you dont need 'em."
Gratz to the winners

Best Regards,
c4Racing, Kirill.D.