But this whole "banning/kicking the innocent" is really wrecker related and as a such it happens really rarely. The good use of this is that if the person (who is guilty of something) has jumped to pits right after causing some massacre it won't go into that guessing game as it usually does. Now we could know where the possible guilty person is and specially the moderators could easily check this one's driving.
I personally feel that you are overly exaggarating the whole "innocent getting kicked/banned" thing . As to the yellow flag issue, it's pretty useless atm. You just can't trust it. Having those yellow dots on the map wouldn't really make any change as people don't even look at the map that much. I only check the map if there is someone in front or behind me and I'm not sure if he is on same lap. +1 to the (much wanted) feature of seeing if somebody is on same lap on or not.
i'd like to see a reason for kicking or banning like say in irc, click ban/kick next to name a little box comes up with reason and there you go, making this an option ofcourse
What kind of reasons there exist: Except for purposeful wrecking and dangerous driving? Of course you could add the "ignoring blue flags" or... "car placed in dangerous place on track" but these go nicely under the two reasons. At least I can't think anything else...?
At least the potential ban-ee would understand why they've been kicked / banned. As can be seen from recent forum posts, a lot of people dont seem to be understanding why they've been force-ably removed from a server.