(24 posts, started )
How do you say CTRA? I always said it C - T - R - A but I've heard some people calling it C-TRA. What's the official way of saying it?

It's always good to know
Quote from Mp3 Astra :How do you say CTRA? I always said it C - T - R - A but I've heard some people calling it C-TRA. What's the official way of saying it?

It's always good to know

When you say C - TRA do you mean like 'Seetrah'?

Its an abbrieviation so you would usually say all the letters like C - T - R - A
Sat it like you meen it:-)
Saying C-T-R-A is quite the mouthfull. I have never heard anyone say it the other way you asked about.

Most of the time when I can't spit out C-T-R-A I just say "you know, where all the points whores go" and everyone knows who I'm talking about
Lol I've always said C-T-R-A never thought anyone actually called it 'Seetrah' like joe said :S
I've always said C T R A as well, never caused any hassle.. You can say it pretty quickly when you talk about it all the time

Seetrah doesn't sound quite right, because the CT and RA would be grouped together, given what they stand for. Might be easier to say, but it's not really accurate to the acronym.

Well UKCT says it C-T-R-A =)
So its U-K-C-T C-T-R-A

Whats the C T stand for? I know RA is Race Authority..

It's actually written out at the CTRA main page.
See Tee err ahh

like: oh Tee.. err aaah
umm you mean Cee Tee Are Ay or Cee Tee Ar Ay
#11 - Jakg
CompuTeam Race Authority.

Computeam is a name from back when UKCT was split into two teams - Computeam Racing (CTR) and SlipStream Racing (SSR).

BTW - Everyone in UKCT calls it C-T-R-A.
Quote from Jakg :CompuTeam Race Authority.

Computeam is a name from back when UKCT was split into two teams - Computeam Racing (CTR) and SlipStream Racing (SSR).

BTW - Everyone in UKCT calls it C-T-R-A.

We do? I call it "seetraks" on a good day and I wont repeat what I call it when I hear sam saying "ali...."
We in our team often say "seetra".
I call it "fun"
i speak it in german:
Ce Te Er A (not ci but ce)
I call it Kuh-tuh-raa.
I'm calling this thread wuh-tuh-fuh?
#19 - VoiD

...after scratching the 3,0‰-mark

Well, there we go then. I can now carry on living in the way that I always have been
haha that was a good one Lateralus

(24 posts, started )