The online racing simulator
Can/Should I Report Laggers?
Earlier today on SS1 there was a driver who was lagging badly. His car would warp a lot, which meant that whenever anyone got near him, they would be hit by his car and would crash, while he continued obliviously on his merry way. He crashed out two drivers on the first lap, then I got spun out mid-race when I was behind him. I told him twice that was lagging and causing others to crash, but he ignored it.

Now I know laggers aren't purposefully doing so, but they're still ruining the races of others and generally causing disruption of normal racing, which is against the rules. Is this worthy of a report? I would only consider doing so if 1) they were lagging for a long period of time, 2) they were ruining the races of other drivers, and 3) they were ignoring messages from others to fix the problem.
#2 - SamH
If someone is lagging to the point that it's affecting other racers, then they need to fix the problem. If you make a lagger aware of the problem, and they choose to ignore it, or deny that the problem exists despite the fact that several people in the server have verified that he/she is actually lagging... if they insist on racing in denial or in full knowledge, the CTRA admins regard this as reckless behaviour. If we see it ourselves in the server, once we've tried to convince them that they need to fix the problem, if they still refuse we usually issue short term bans.

Please report players who insist on racing while knowingly having a connection issue. If it happens over multiple races, please raise a report for each or give full details in the description so we can review other races around that time.
Exactly what I wanted to hear, thanks.
I agree
I agree that the person should not be racing with others.
If I think I'm lagging I will ask the others on the server. If they confirm that I'm lagging I will leave on my own . It's just good manners.
I had to drop out of the Gentlefoot series because of my connection as well. (Grrrrrrrrrr)
No todd, it wasnt the connection. It was your racingsk.......
I suppose it's the same or should be the same for those with controller or any other hardware issues? IE if someone has 5 fps with the field they're racing with they shouldn't use that as an excuse if they happen to crash someone. Or if someones pedals or whatever aren't working in a manner that they can't control the car..?
Quote from niels1 :No todd, it wasnt the connection. It was your racingsk.......

ban them all!
I think I've seen you lag a couple of times too...
not recently
oh no its the lag police
don;t you mean crap police?
No fear! Supercrap is here!