The online racing simulator
PB Fetch

New to this part of the forum. You seem like a bunch of nice guys n gals so here goes....

I just wrote this program in java (1.4.2-04). Tried to make an applet for a website that would retrive all the team members PB and display them in table format Best Time first. After have trouble with the applet and lfsworld not allowing it after signature and so on i changed it to a stand alone program.

So here it is....

Code included. do what you see fit.

The only problem i ever had was since i was getting info for a racer at a time the refresh rate was around 4 seconds a driver. Dont know why but maybe you guys could figure it out

Thanks and have fun...




1. Unzip to a folder
2. Java Installed?
3. Add driver names to '/txtfiles/driver_names.pbl' like <lfsname>;<ingamename>
4. Run PB-Fetch.bat
5. *NOTE* does take a while to get data. The program does not crash when you press 'fetch'.
6. Enjoy
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Quote from malinkie :The only problem i ever had was since i was getting info for a racer at a time the refresh rate was around 4 seconds a driver. Dont know why but maybe you guys could figure it out

Theres a 5 second limit on how often you can get data from LFSWorld via the pubstats.
lol thanks angel. thought it was my probramming. I know it is still very buggy but im working on it
Sorry to drag this back from the dead kinda but ive completed a new version which is .exe rather than java and has sokme added features also....


This application was made due to my aggrivation of going online and checking my personal best times. There was no easy way of looking at them against my friends times.

This program makes it so much easier. Allowing you to look at personal best times according to track and car. All the PB's are sorted in decending order of speed.

In addition, I have also added a 'Server' Tab so that you can keep track of your favourite servers without going onto LFSWorld or 'Live For Speed' itself so you can choose which server you would prefer to go to before starting the program proper.

In the future, a third tab will be added to find your friends online.


At the moment racer and server names are held in '.pbl' files in the 'txtfiles' directory. These files open up in notepad. From there you can add server names and friends names to the lists.

As from version 0.37-

You can create new .pbl files in notepad and open them from within the program. Different groups of racing friends... Different .pbl fil. You can also store them in other places other than the 'txtfiles' directory






Enjoy. Have fun.
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#5 - Renku
PBFetchv0.37 requires .NET Framework v.2.0.5...?
A few things to think about malinkie:
  1. It doesnt seem to be threaded, so clicking fetch when theres no internet connectivity seems a little iffy.
  2. Also as a result of lack of threading, whilst its fetching data I cant do anything else with the UI.
  3. The Drivers PB doesnt always show data, its just blank. It took me a few seconds of scrolling through the dropdown with arrow keys to get anything
Nice work though :up: But you might have some competition soon
I know there is a lack of threading but did not see it as much of a problem since there is not much need for changing anything in the ui while its connecting.

I should really change the code so it displays as soon it grabs the data. That would save alot of trouble. I can understand.

I take that as a challenge

Thanks for the ideas. Maybe getting info from lfsw should be in a bg thread so you can mimimize the GUI and so fourth.

A few more additions to come to this software tho. I'll update as it comes along

Renku: yes.
well the_angry_angel and all others....

Threading completed and it shouldnt freak out when you press fetch when you aren't online anymore.

Also to save on the amount of times the program coughs up a lung from accessing lfs too quickly, the fetch buttons on each tab dissappear so you cant do 2 fetch operations at the same time.

So now i am calling this a +0.03 upgrade now at 0.40

Thanks for the tips angry_angel.
Nice work malinkie It'll be nice to see how this little beast evolves :up: