The online racing simulator
Anyway to change the sensytivity of throttle?
First of all, i know ispell like a Mu/(#¤#/cka =D

But to the topic, I like everyone else i guess have a little problem with this low speed grip thingy, but i started to drive the turbo car yesterday and its work well when u dont go really slow but when i,m starting to give a little throttle i think it is to much in compare that i press down the pedal.

Can i change that in the game? So full throttle isent at 100% when i,m just pushing down the pedal 75%.

And also, do i need to switch on the force feedback? couse i have it on my wheel but it doesent seem to work.

If your using pedals you should be able to channel how much throttle is used, unless you calibrated wrong..
oh yeah i can, if u mean that i can go on half speed. But the problem is that when i have the pedal press down like 75% it represents 100% in the game. And i want it so when the pedal is 100% down pressed it should be 100% in the game. If u dont understand please tell me, couse when i,m reading this it makes no sense to me either hehe
hehe, i kind of understand you but if your pedal is calibrated correctly, when you press pedal 75% it shouldn't be full throttle it should be.... 75%

And you just have to switch FF on in the LFS settings page, i dont have FF so im not much help in that department
Like he said up there ^, turn on the FF in the controls options. At the bottom of the throttle/brake section of the controls you will see "calibration lock" or something. Leave this set to "no" and every time you join a race for the first time after starting LFS, turn the wheel left and right and press the throttle and brake fully to calibrate. You only have to do this once when you start LFS. I have a Logitech and this is what I do. I'm not sure if all wheels are the same as Logitech's.
It seems the force feedback doesent work, It says Force feedback with big letters on my wheel, so i guess i have it. Can i test it somehow? The Wheel is called Wingman formula force GP..
Switching it "on" in the game options helps..
Make sure you're running the latest Wingman drivers, and that FF is turned on in windows control panel.
#9 - -wes-
There is an option which will affect the way the pedels feel(besides bad calibration) . as shown here.

The pic below shows how the pedels feel to me when I was messing around with the centre reduction setting.

Nice graph right?

Anyway a setting of 1.0 will make the cars feel less sensitive to pedel input, which should help you out if your spinning out on power all the time.
Good for throttle stompers!

For me I found 0.0 made it very hard to make small controlled throttle changes near 100% pedel input.(small pedel change gave a large change in the game pedel from 50% to 100%)

I use 0.5 at the moment , play around with it see what suits you best.