Semi committed? Lol. I think they're very committed. It's just that there's only three of them, and there's only so much work three people can do.
I guess you haven't learnt to drive the FBM then. There's nothing wrong with the clutch on it. I've only managed to cook the clutch with deliberate effort to do so.
And would they expect to get paid for it as well, since their work would be included in a commercial product? It's not as simple as just saying "you, let's use your work in our product" when Scavier are selling that product.
I think it's quite clearly a full-time job - at the very least for Scawen. Victor appears to have taken a little step back and worked on another project or two, and none of us know about Eric. Either way, it's not for us to make demands or accusations about their working arrangements as it's none of our business. Yes we can voice concerns and opinions about the product, but it's up to the devs to allocate manpower/resources as required to keep the playerbase stable/content/not going anywhere/growing, and being sniped at won't change their minds in the slightest. I think the devs have more confidence in themselves and their product to pay any attention to your kind of comments.
this is where I stopped reading.

LFS is slow in development and increasing numbers appear to be dissatisfied with the current amount of content (tracks) and pace of progress, but it's by no means "the rest of the community" nor does it warrant troll comments followed by "i don't mean it in a bad way..."