The online racing simulator
Jump Hack.
(117 posts, started )
Quote from msmolt :yes it can. And yes I am a US citisen. lived there my hole life . This is the first time ive ever been out of the Northwest much less out of the country When your in the biggest city and tourism place in the hole country. Asterdam lol Yeah you find people that speak English. You get into a small farm town your very lucky to see anyone mush less find someone to speak English. Everyone got grate ideas you can buy this you can buy that. the hole point of my first post was well no I cant buy shit I ant seen 5 bucks in 3 years DA. What part of I CANT WORK HERE dont you get ? No green card and cant get one and the point was to bad people got trash thing that are good and free for others. I really didn't post it to have to defend myself. I was saying hey I cant buy S2. Like has been said already I'm out of here in may thank god. you dutch can have this 50 year behind times suck a$$ place. Its the most dirtiest place I have ever seen. And that goes with 80% of the dutch people too. there the dumbest and laziest people Ive ever seen .now enough. And you can bet all never leave the states again

Dumbest and laziest people you´ve ever seen ? Well, you seem to adapt just fine here. After 3 years you should be able to talk and understand the Dutch language. But you just travel home again. I´m sure Europe won´t miss you.
Quote from R.Kolz :Dumbest and laziest people you´ve ever seen ? Well, you seem to adapt just fine here. After 3 years you should be able to talk and understand the Dutch language. But you just travel home again. I´m sure Europe won´t miss you.

well thanks for putting the tread back on topic. Just what the poster had in mind disrespectful people that don't have any respect for others feeling or things. cant read rules or fallow them. cheating there way though life sucking off others. talking shit they know nothing about. Nope Europe wont miss me thank god but there 3 kids here that sure will. But my 3 kids will sure be glad I'm back home. I'm sure your little life is just peachy in Denmark. Guess if you don't know any better then. what you got is good enough. You cant miss something you never seen or had. 7 am in the morning you got 8 servers to pick from. 4 of them have 6 people running the track backwards just there for hate and disrespect. I just look at the people that cant even fallow the speed rule in the pits. If they cant fallow that simple rule you know they are not going to fallow the track rules Its no wounder there is no free servers. Why bother. Hes paying for the bandwidth out of his own pocket. And hes got to babysit the the hate and discontent screw ups. people take there freedom to easy. didn't cost them nothing. Try loosing it see how fast you change the way you think.

Anyone interested in the hole story let me know i got a 10 page letter on how my Internet love story based on all lies took me to hell. typed out to take to the police my last hopes. there no truer words spoken then the words " loves blind"
Quote from msmolt :yes it can. And yes I am a US citisen. lived there my hole life . This is the first time ive ever been out of the Northwest much less out of the country When your in the biggest city and tourism place in the hole country. Asterdam lol Yeah you find people that speak English. You get into a small farm town your very lucky to see anyone mush less find someone to speak English. Everyone got grate ideas you can buy this you can buy that. the hole point of my first post was well no I cant buy shit I ant seen 5 bucks in 3 years DA. What part of I CANT WORK HERE dont you get ? No green card and cant get one and the point was to bad people got trash thing that are good and free for others. I really didn't post it to have to defend myself. I was saying hey I cant buy S2. Like has been said already I'm out of here in may thank god. you dutch can have this 50 year behind times suck a$$ place. Its the most dirtiest place I have ever seen. And that goes with 80% of the dutch people too. there the dumbest and laziest people Ive ever seen .now enough. And you can bet all never leave the states again

I hope your sister can help you out.
Quote from msmolt :................................. And that goes with 80% of the dutch people too. there the dumbest and laziest people Ive ever seen ...................................................

Hmm very nice way of talking about a country. Very ignorant and unmature. So your that much beter then the rest ?.

I read your story, sade. But you have been here for 3 years now ?. And you didnt find away to get home ??. 3 years locked up with internet ?? Hmmm now who is dumb ??.

Secondly how can you tell people are dumb and it is dirty. We also seem to be going 50 years back here. You have been locked up for 3 years so I wonder how you can tell these things.

I did feel sorry for you in the beginning. But the way your putting things looks like a nice story. You dont find sympathy the way youre doing things now.

Back to topic.

hack, hmmmmm............... here we go again. Just after the speedhack was settled. Any news on how to get back in admin rights on server Dan ??
It is probably you who is dumb. You've been here 3 years and didn't know there was a US embassy only ~30 km away? And besides, your passport probably expired already, and most definitely your visa, which makes you an illegal alien. So why don't you just run to a cop when you see one, tell him you're illegal, and you'll be kicked back to the US. Saves you and your sister some dough and the horrible experience called "The Netherlands".

And I liked it how you keep bringing up the "dutch people dont speak english" excuse, because it is probably you who can't speak proper english.

Quote from msmolt :well thanks for putting the tread back on topic.Just what the poster had in mind disrespectful people that don't have any respect for others feeling or things. cant read rules or fallow them.

It was you who came with your personal story in a bug report, so all blame goes to you.
Gosh, I don't want to write a story for you since your not worth it.

In-short get a life. Also Holland doesnt suck. Your the one who sucks. I don't feel sorry at all for you. Afterall you started.

#57 - Jakg
On-topic - Found out how to do this (or at least part of it) and have sent an email to the devs. Let's see what they say!
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Dan, if you check the replay, you can see that "Dza" had the admin password. (His name was light yellow)

its weird because i couldnt log in with the admin p/w that i set my server to use, so therefore it must have been changed some how.
lol jak u had to go and change the topic back didnt u lol, i was enjoyig reading that lol, i made a sandwich and all
Amazing thread
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Amazing thread

I second that

So we have a US citizen, critisizing people and a country he apparantly never really saw. His English is worse than the average Dutch person you see on the street, although from years on the internet I'm not so surprised by that.

Can an admin check his IP address?
Uhm, wow great replay need to find this guy and ask him to STOP ...PLEASEHAHAlol but any way how do you make a hack, why would someone do it, take the fun "speed" out of it?
I found a program which does that. It's dead annoying in a small race when someone uses it (I don't use it)
Quote from shaun463 :I found a program which does that. It's dead annoying in a small race when someone uses it (I don't use it)

I hope devs will get this program so they can reverse-engineer it and modify LFS so it isn't possible to use in the future.
Quote from shaun463 :I found a program which does that. It's dead annoying in a small race when someone uses it (I don't use it)

Then put it in a .zip file, send it to the devs via email and hopefully they can make a workaround?
Quote from shaun463 :I found a program which does that. It's dead annoying in a small race when someone uses it (I don't use it)

Do not send it anyone, only to the Devs!
Quote from mcintyrej :Then put it in a .zip file, send it to the devs via email and hopefully they can make a workaround?

Not being funny but, Thats pointless for the devs to make a workaround. There will always be someone out there that will hack the game some how or another no matter what the devs do. Just leave the sad Demo pricks to get on with it
Quote from mcgas001 :Not being funny but, Thats pointless for the devs to make a workaround. There will always be someone out there that will hack the game some how or another no matter what the devs do. Just leave the sad Demo pricks to get on with it

oh. this thread got back on topic??

The face remains though nova, that its possible. I know alot of things similar may also be possible, however isnt the key to releasing a final version of an application, is having it as secure and as "hack free" as possible? im not saying it should be "hack proof" because thats merely impossible, however what im saying is if things like this happen at an early stage in development.. shouldnt it be addressed and prevented? im not a programmer, i merely have interest in web based systems, but isnt the principal the same?
Yes, its always nice to have a program that isnt buggy and hackable, think of this though. If Scawen was to go round and fix every hack that came up, How much of real lfs dev do you think would have been done by now? I know you mean well etc etc, but the trouble is that these hacks are not a small job to fix. The answer to your question realy is only answer able by one person: Scawen. Also afaik web dev and bug fixing is a LOT easier then protecting a game from hackers...
Here is a sourcecode for a hackproof software:

20 GOTO 10

Anything that is more complex can be "h4x0red".
I saw something like that too

look at ufo (not me!!!!!!!!!!!)
he drives 0:51 times and can´t get banned from the server

ufo cheater.mpr
Attached files
ufo cheater.mpr - 1.2 MB - 224 views
Quote from John5200 :I saw something like that too

look at ufo (not me!!!!!!!!!!!)

Oh shit.... They have that hack again......
Quote from mcgas001 :Oh shit.... They have that hack again......

a question.. why can´t he get banned??????
Quote from John5200 :a question.. why can´t he get banned??????

Banned from where?
From that server? Probably, if the admins can get that replay.
From the forum? Probably not, afaik it doesn't violate forum rules.
Quote from Gekkibi :Banned from where?
From that server? Probably, if the admins can get that replay.
From the forum? Probably not, afaik it doesn't violate forum rules.

Look the replay the admin banns him 3 or 4 times.
And he says he changes everytime his IP adress.

Jump Hack.
(117 posts, started )