The online racing simulator
Corrupted Layouts SouthCity. Transferring X10 - Y
Hi. My old layouts of South City seem to fail on the new Y patch.

Here is one thing that happens to SO4R_TEST CITY.lyt layout

X10 Patch

OK (made/saved in X10 single player)

Y Patch

All wrong

Seems to me like all the object IDs are messed up. Even lines turn into barriers.

Also this one SO4_driving.lyt by (detail) works in X10 but loaded in a dedi host Y gives
› JasonJ : JOOS - OBJS

And when it loads in single player Y patch all the long barriers are missing.

I hope someone has a reason/solution, because old SO layouts wont work anymore. Thanks to all.
Attached images
Attached files
SO4R_TEST CITY.lyt - 196 B - 428 views
SO4_driving.lyt - 3.3 KB - 393 views
Most tracks shifted due to (iirc) Blackwood changing

JOOS-OBJS means that LFS is trying to load a barrier at a place where you cant reach

But they are in the same spot... not shifted ? X/Y co-ordinates. Just all wrong objects. Like all the long barriers are now all replaced with short ones, chalk lines swapped with signs etc. Which might explain JOOS OBJS for some smaller objects being replaced by larger ones, causing an overlap of terrain etc.

So you're saying that all South City layouts made prior to Y patch are now all un-usable? Was this published in the changelog? I missed that memo..
Same with Blackwood layouts (other than AutoX). Well, if the tracks changed, and in BL's case, dramatically, I'd expect layouts to become invalid.
AutoX ones are fine though strangely enough (at BL Carpark)