The online racing simulator
bigger dfp wheel?
(4 posts, started )
bigger dfp wheel?
hi, i have a driving force pro steering wheel and i love it. i actually got it from ebgames for 20 bucks used( yes i know, i FREAKED OUT when i saw girlfriend was a lil confused and embarresed cuz how i was acting in the store :P)

the only thing i didnt like about it is the steering wheel is too damn small! is there any mods to put a bigger wheel on to make it more realistic?

thanks in advanced
There is the FREX upgrade thingie, but it is expensive.
I've seen people mounting simple real life wheels on DFP (without buttons) so there still possibilities
hmm this could work... i dont think i really use the buttons on dfp too much anyway except when playing there a way to simply switch the old wheel back on? would this be cheaper than frex?

i could really navigate thru the site too well, but it looked like the wheel was made for momo or a wheel they work for the dfp right?

bigger dfp wheel?
(4 posts, started )