The online racing simulator
Sending message to user
(10 posts, started )
Sending message to user
I think it would be nice to have possibility to send private message to user while plaing.
Something like: /msg LFSusername Message
(like in Diablo2 on BattleNet).

What do you think?

PS. didn't find anythink like this before
I dunno about you guys, but when I'm racing I don't have time to be sending PMs to people.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :I dunno about you guys, but when I'm racing I don't have time to be sending PMs to people.

Then why shouldn't we disable the whole chat, then?
For example, two friends are online spectating and talking chit-chat... Why would everyone else read their text because it doesn't concern them.
Send messenge so they can RACE together.
#7 - Ian.H
i think it would be usefull, admins on server could pm each other and if it was cross server you could ask your mate if they wanted to come on the server, it would be more use as a spectator as the chat system is, and you could block it like the server chat
Yup there is alot of things i need to say to people in the server like host passwords etc, which we dont want the general racers to know, and its too much messing going on MSN or moving to the meeting room and hoping it's empty.

Sending message to user
(10 posts, started )