The online racing simulator
Aerial Atom with 500BHP
(24 posts, started )
#1 - samjh
Aerial Atom with 500BHP

By golly that's a fast car!

As soon as I saw that article, I thought: "Formula Atom".

A one-make racing series using that car would be pretty awesome, IMHO. It would be like a Formula Ford with about three-and-half times the power!
Yeah, i've just been reading about it on the Top Gear website, so you saved me the trouble of posting a link

Wot an insane car 0-60 in under 2.5 secs 0-100 in less than 6 !!

The guys at Ariel are hoping to sort out a drag race with a Veyron (according to TG)
over 1000hp per tone. on the road... almost pointless though...
#4 - Osco
one in bright pink please
I think it's all well being fast and stuff but it's damn ugly!
Quote from samjh :

A one-make racing series using that car would be pretty awesome, IMHO. It would be like a Formula Ford with about three-and-half times the power!

The car is electric right? It would be very awesome to have a Formula Atom series
Quote from lizardfolk :The car is electric right? It would be very awesome to have a Formula Atom series

No, it has a petrol engine.
Quote from BenjiMC :I think it's all well being fast and stuff but it's damn ugly!

Yep, i don't like it with those Formula wings and spoilers, the less powerfull versions are much pretier..
Can't wait for one to crash... (hope no-one gets hurt though)
#11 - Osco
Quote from BenjiMC :I think it's all well being fast and stuff but it's damn ugly!

I don't like the open side tubing either, but hell, 1000hp/tonne just can not be ugly
LX8 anyone? cross between the two.
The LX8 is much less powerful, and it weighs much more
Who cares if it's ugly? You're not gonna be bothered when you floor it in that baby
The same engine in both...
#16 - JJ72
The caterham everyday, cos I don't think the Atom will make a very good coffin.
Quote from Intrepid :over 1000hp per tone. on the road... almost pointless though...

even a F430 is pointless on the street.

btw i think Ariel should boost the power a bit more.
because the atom has pretty similar numbers with the caterham.
like 640bhp?

I think that power to weight ratio is scary haha
Quote from BaDfiSH07 :I think that power to weight ratio is scary haha

Depends on how much mechanical and aero grip it has. It doesn't seem to have great aero, and the car itself is small in dimensions, so it would seem quite challenging to handle.

We're talking about power-to-weight ratio of a GP2/FN/A1GP with less aero downforce and smaller tyres. Pretty frisky.
Can't wait Clarkson testing it!
Ohh the new Atom looks nice.... came on Clarkson, lets see how far your face can stretch..
Bet it will be a fair wedge cheaper than the Caparo thing.
oh man, it looks like a blast to drive. Must be really really amazing. The rear wing is a bit huge though...
its practical,

transport and botox replacment!

Aerial Atom with 500BHP
(24 posts, started )