Jacky-boy sued them for that addition though, so there's no saying the lawyer scene will make the final cut of the game.
I've been watching this one for a while and I'll be picking it up for the 360 when it comes out.
But Mafia 2 is still gonna kick it's ass
Both 360 and PS3. But M$ paid a lot of money for a load of exclusive download content, so odds are if there's some patches then the 360 owners will get them a long time before the PS3 guys. I think they'll still get them eventually but I could be wrong.
I've been watching this one for a while and I'll be picking it up for the 360 when it comes out.
But Mafia 2 is still gonna kick it's ass

Both 360 and PS3. But M$ paid a lot of money for a load of exclusive download content, so odds are if there's some patches then the 360 owners will get them a long time before the PS3 guys. I think they'll still get them eventually but I could be wrong.