The online racing simulator
LaX Stars
(17 posts, started )
LaX Stars
Hey. Just letting ya all know that Niall09 and theirishnoob and I are working on a text-based lacrosse game...similar to New Star Soccer. It's coded in C++, which we're learning at a rate of knots.

It's open-source, for the moment.

Our priorities are:
To code the match engine
To code the front end
To finish the data, i.e. get MLL/NLL teams/standings/ratings, get e-penis enhancers finalised
To keep a sense of humour in the game

So, if anyone wants to pitch in, they can, just ask me or Niall first

DieKolkrabe and Niall09

EDIT: Site is
This will be an epic fail
No it won't :P

Even it it is, we'll have a blast coding it (well, I will :P)

Quote from DieKolkrabe :So, if anyone wants to pitch in, they can, just ask me or Niall first...

Niall: Should people ask irishnoob for help too?
DK: Screw that! He will most likely give people the admin pass and make our game crash and burn!
Niall: LOL

Good luck with all this btw lads, hope it goes well
Well i didnt know that TIN was helping
If anyone wants to help, PM/post here, 99.99999% of the time you'll be accepted.

To clarify: TIN isn't doing any of the coding, he's working on a paralell project (that word is a /bitch/ to spell), bits of which will be used in LaX he isn't really helping.


Edit: It's C++, it doesn't crash and burn :P
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Edit: It's C++, it doesn't crash and burn :P

No, instead you get a pop-up saying "You ****ed up fool!"
I get one saying 'WHAT did you press?????' Anyway..

Who is helping?

Can i make the loading screens have boobs on them?
It's open-source...

Looks like we need a new tech consultant too DUSTIN!

I'm confused
Text based Lacrosse game in C++

For one, wouldn't it be a little boring as a text based game? Couldn't you atleast attempt to move it up a level to 2D, and if not, then why bother with C++? It seems a little over complicated for the task at hand, or am I alone with thinking this?

Goodluck doh!
It's inspired by the New Star Soccer games, which aren't boring. The trick to the game is to make it interesting

Rooble, give NSH a go

And thanks, if anyone from NA could PM/e-mail me the 2007 MLL/NLL results/ratings of the teams, I'd be happy

NSS has 2d though...
NSS3, ye

I'm on about NSS1/2

sounds to me as stupid as a text based Racing simulator

LaX Stars
(17 posts, started )