The online racing simulator

Poll : What do you think it should be done first?

Complete damage model (flying parts, blowing tyres due to colisions, dead engines, etc)
Major Physics patch (Aero model, downforce dependent on ride height, etc)
Physics Fixes and corrections (Locked diff, camber change with body roll, etc)
Grafics update (better grafics, sparks, exaust flames, etc)
Sound update (5.1 support, new sound engine, etc.)
I was referring to your complete lack of capital letters. The shift key on your keyboard, as you seem unaware, happens to make YoUr LetTers BiG, whenever you want.
Quote from tristancliffe :I was referring to your complete lack of capital letters. The shift key on your keyboard, as you seem unaware, happens to make YoUr LetTers BiG, whenever you want.

...i am using an ipod here... i can't be bothered for that
Quote from Hankstar :...

seriously, i don't want to waste that precious .2 seconds reaching for the shift "button/lcd image"
Plenty of time to defend your non-shifting though
damage... damage... damage... W00T
Quote from tristancliffe :I was referring to your complete lack of capital letters. The shift key on your keyboard, as you seem unaware, happens to make YoUr LetTers BiG, whenever you want.

Tristan, PLEASE! (Hey, my shift key works...) This is getting to be too much! He is posting in every stinking thread and you keep following him. My wife is looking at me funny because I'm laughing hysterically every other thread I open up.

Somebody please get atlantian to stop posting and get Tristan to stop following him. My stomach is nearly split from all the explosive laughter.
Quote from Unreal Tournament Announcer Guy :Headshot! Domination! Posting Spree!

/bans TC for spawn stalking
/attacks Hank with giant squid.
Pfft. No giant squid would turn on its benevolent master. Unless it wanted to be turned into hula-hoop sized calamari.
Fine Hank... you see that red dot on your forehead... Make sure to dodge that bullet. PRESS X TO DODGE!

i would like to see better damage physics ^^
Damage and sounds , i would really like new sounds in LFS , and please don´t come with CRA sounds bla bla
I think this is most important:
"Major Physics patch (Aero model, downforce dependent on ride height, etc)"
Formula and gtr cars are often run with big ride heights and nose-up configurations. Something which is not very advisable irl.

"downforce dependent on ride height" Effects ALL cars, even bricks like the uf1. Although this effect on the uf1 will be minimal. I think it will be a major improvement to lfs if it was implemented.
#42 - Juls
To satisfy existing customers, they should do damage.

To attract new customers, they should do a new sound engine. With texture packs, LFS is very nice to watch compared to other sims. As soon as you turn the sound off.

One time I show LFS to a guy, and he said...ok, it's a simulator...difficult to drive...ok ok... and tried only a few minutes.
Few weeks later I installer Car Sound Remixer with a nice sound pack,and show it to the same guy with volume up.

He said: "wow, what's that, a new game?looks great, I can try? please I can try?"
He was even sure it was a lot easier to drive than the boring simulator I made him try few weeks ago.

Sound is more important for immersion than damage, because you hear it all the time.