I'd prefer to keep any to-fro off the forums (AND the servers) please. I haven't fallen out with anyone, and have no plans to. I've spoken to the person at the heart of the matter, and he's also firmly assured me that he is not encouraging conflict or trying to inspire trouble on his behalf. Everyone is entitled to keep their name out of the CTRA system and drop out of the rankings and nobody should be challenged for it. This is t'internet, at the end of the day, and anonymity should never be a privilege denied of anyone.
CTRA admins make a decision on every report that the CTRA community files, and whether some of those decisions are popular or not, the admins are determined to make them good calls. If anyone disagrees with the judgements made, that's always going to be their right to do so. The last thing we need is for the details to be aired in public. Losing CTRA privileges is bad enough without following it all up with a public flogging!
Let's keep it cheerful, guys, please