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Japanese Scientist makes AMAZING Discovery!!
Heard on the radio this evening...

A Japanese scientist has led a 10 year research program into the cause of traffic jams...

The conclusion?

"There are too many cars on the road"

F**K ME, the guy is a freakin' GENIUS!!!

For his NEXT trick, he is going to lead a 20 yr study into why people hate useless government-funded research.
Just glad it wasn't OUR taxes paying for this shite!

I cant believe he made that discovery O_O It's actually a very nice discovery.

I wonder how much he got payed to do that. If he did get payed screw it im doing a research on why the building next street has an elevator that goes up when you press the button..
No way man! I can't belive it!
Dammit! I had my money bet on "there aren't enough roads!" :irked:
amazing.. truly amazing
This discovery sure change the entire humanity
Japanese scientists ought to know their time would be much better spent in top secret, city-sized subterannean bunkers designing massive, heavily-armed robots that will be piloted by plucky yet reluctant young adults/children in a last-ditch effort to save the planet/human race/galaxy from certain destruction.
hank what exactly do you think he did those 10 years?
comming up with his answer couldnt have taken him more than 1 month maybe... its all a cover up for the secret japanese mecha program to attack hawaii
Quote from chanoman315 :amazing.. truly amazing

Amen brother!

But serously, thats something even a kid would know, this "scientist" should used his time on something more usefull. Like inventing a transport way that reduces the cars on the road, but at same time has the same mobility as what a car would offer.
Quote from Bladerunner :Heard on the radio this evening...

A Japanese scientist has led a 10 year research program into the cause of traffic jams...

The conclusion?

"There are too many cars on the road"

F**K ME, the guy is a freakin' GENIUS!!!

For his NEXT trick, he is going to lead a 20 yr study into why people hate useless government-funded research.
Just glad it wasn't OUR taxes paying for this shite!

LOL Duhhhh

What else did the report delve into. There is more behind it than those simple words.
I for one am glad this finding was made.

I thought the traffic jams were caused by wormholes in the fabric of space/time, causing fast-moving vehicles to look like they're moving slowly despite still going full speed.
As a result of this, of course, the people in the vehicles start to hallucinate, caused by the pressure on the brain. They imagine they can see the speedometer dropping and they think they can feel their feet pressing the brake.
And of course it still takes them just as long to get to their destinations because they need to break free of the gravitation pull of the wormhole in order to return to normal.

/golf clap Mr Scientist Man.
What an idiot.
Discovery by me. If you leave bread outside without a wrapper it will got rotten. I want £1 billion
Quote from Luke.S :Discovery by me. If you leave bread outside without a wrapper it will got rotten. I want £1 billion

But what if it's at the north pole?
A polar bear will eat it.
ROFL LMAO , again a wast of tax . Bcus in the end we pay these guys and they arent cheap
Quote from Luke.S :A polar bear will eat it.

So then it won't get rotten. I want £1 billion
Quote from Bladerunner :

The conclusion?

"There are too many cars on the road"

Wow i wouyld have never thought of that this make me say i can do Ciéntiffic stuf to

Im going to researsch how to solve the biigest error ever called George Bush
Quote from Bladerunner :

"There are too many cars on the road"

If there weren't any cars in the world who/what is gonna use the road then?
Maybe this is the cause of traffic jams?

Quote from Takumi_lfs :If there weren't any cars in the world who/what is gonna use the road then?

Quote from Takumi_lfs :If there weren't any cars in the world who/what is gonna use the road then?

Basically it took him 10 years to publish what many of us already knew - Stating the obvious.

Whatever next. Why it hurts to get shot? Why having no bones would be a disadvantage?
I just love how people love taking the micky out of something, I agree their main point is a no brainer but what did they do over those 10 years?

Did they try to brainstorm solutions which could help with the current problem?

And I don't mean some idiot solutions like "prevent people from driving" Did they see a potential for cars to drive themselves? IIRC GM tested and proved this is possible with a convoy of vehicles in 1997 down a main interstate, normal road conditions with other drivers on the road.

Or did they do exactly as you all are trying to insinuate, that they sat on the thumbs for ten years then decided to say.... "Ohh by the way there are too many cars on the road" I highly doubt that actually happened and there was an in depth report on how to exactly deal with the problem instead of just stating the obvious that anyone driving a car can see...
Quote from Luke.S :Discovery by me. If you leave bread outside without a wrapper it will got rotten. I want £1 billion

You are supposed to get the grant BEFORE you make your conclusions public. Now it's free knowledge on the net and noone is going to pay you.
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :...Or did they do exactly as you all are trying to insinuate, that they sat on the thumbs for ten years then decided to say.... "Ohh by the way there are too many cars on the road" I highly doubt that actually happened and there was an in depth report on how to exactly deal with the problem instead of just stating the obvious that anyone driving a car can see...

Only one way to know...
Wait 10 more years

Nearly there!

this was close to 10 years I guess.
Now if the same scientist states in that there are too many cars because there are too many human beings around you know he's been doing something for the last 20 years. Dont' worry he will find an appropriate solution for that as well