Quote from BlackEye :Happy birthday mr. Bawbag Wish you many good hotlaps this year (they will last longer this time around:tilt. Have a good day and many more to come Ooops, I missed this, thanks!
Happy birthday msi911 (39), tobyh31 (36), Tagaani (34), Lazr_dk (28), Miri (27), fledonfoot (25), Outlaw27 (22), Henry.lindgren (20), Barlock (20), Lokki (19), Stoegi (18), Maciekzlk (18), Pulecc (18), gaz88 (17), simscube (16)
Happy birthday to Stuart 'The Moose' Whitehead - who has reached the grand old age of 37 today! Hope you have a great one! (and to everyone else whose b'day is today!)
Quote from niall09 :Happy Birthday Bladey, aka Bladerunner Have a good 53rd Bday! Bladerunner's 53? Hah! Happy birthday, old man
Happy Birthday to Gentlefoot. A top driver and a big contributor to the community. His league is one of the best in LFS
Quote from hrtburnout : Isn't that cute? But it's wrong! It's the other way around actually ehm, isn't that wrong? But it's CUTE???
Do you have birthday? Couldn`t find it on the birthday list, well anyway - Congratulation with your birthday, heres a cake from me :cake: