The online racing simulator
Voice to text-message
This sounds really ridiculous, but still... I have use for it. Let me explain before you start to cry.

When I keep specific button pressed, talk to the microphone and when button is released, it sends that message in LFS. It requires some kind of speech translator and must be pain-in-the-ass to code. Still, it is much better way than what I am using now: Keeping the wheel between my legs and steering using my knees while typing message using keyboard. Am I the only one who thinks this kind of software helps racing?

Ok, now you can cry.
Or ... Voice chat in LFS. Kinda cures the hole thing.
Quote from Dygear :Or ... Voice chat in LFS. Kinda cures the hole thing.

True, but text is more readable, and not all uses (for example) teamspeak.

I agree, maybe it was idiotic idea.
This could be done. But ... Why? I mean really. Really! It's just insane, ridiculously hard to do. From the ground up anyway.
Quote from andyb1982 :It amazes me how some people can type so well at 150mph!

It is much easier to speak instead of typing it.
But true, the profit is not big enough to the amount of coding.

I misread your earlier post, I tought you meaned external softwares like teamspeak or roger wilco. I realized now that you meaned integrated feature in LFS. It would effectively outdate teamspeak (etc) among drivers (Of course, admins would require either teamspeak or their own channel).
#6 - amp88
His massage was typed oozing a voice rendition programme caustic 200 pounds. Imaging how bad it wood bee oozing ah peace of soft where developed by someone on lfs forum.
Quote from amp88 :His massage was typed oozing a voice rendition programme caustic 200 pounds. Imaging how bad it wood bee oozing ah peace of soft where developed by someone on lfs forum.

You made your point (and my mistake) clear as a daylight to me after that post.

Yes, now I am laughing myself, as well. Maybe I should stick on teamspeak.
#8 - amp88
It's a good idea in theory for a few reasons. Not everyone uses TS/Ventrilo so it can be frustrating having some people typing replies to what they've heard on TS that doesn't fit in at all. Another would be logging. Yes, you can record TS, but it's more difficult to manage the replay and audio file, plus it adds quite a bit of space to each replay, meaning more time to download and more disk space to save.

However, for the above reason I reckon it's something that we'll only see in the future when proper voice recognition software is cheap and more accurate. The sad fact is that a few companies have invested years of development time and millions of pounds in research into voice recognition and it's not that great.
This can acutally be done for .Net developers like me. Microsoft provide a speach SDK

E: Not sure about Voice to text, but i know they do a text to Voice thingy... *looks*
If it works like this one, I wouldn't be surprised.
Quote from Gekkibi :If it works like this one, I wouldn't be surprised.

The thing is that it's not actually translating the words into text, but matching what you're saying to a defined phrase. Whilst the two actions share the same concepts, they're actually pretty different because there would have to be a rather large dictionary that would need to be available to create a reasonable match using the exact same technology.
I've just tried using that Vista one, it's the gammiest yoke to ever be made by Microsoft, including Vista...
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I've just tried using that Vista one, it's the gammiest yoke to ever be made by Microsoft, including Vista...

This thread is now about Microsoft operating systems!

What about Windows ME?