The online racing simulator
#76 - sun
Thanks, Rovex. I think that code you gave me might not work because it the code ppl have sent me so far do not work... but is it supposed to do this ???

yourdriving at 5 mph Speed 5

your driving at 50 mph Speed 50

Is that what it is supposed to do ?
@ sun What code?, i only test how how to add driving distance in a button with decimals numbers.
#78 - sun
I'am talking about how to get the speed in MPH...
@sun yes, basic mathematics:



= (44704 / 100000)

i dont know is true or wrong, buy is my calculation, some people confirmed?
still doesnt work, can anyone tell me like that, that even a monkey understands it??
You only need change the numbers for the last post, is the solution for convert mph, but i wait for guru's programming for say correct or wrong.
Quote from sun :Thanks, Rovex. I think that code you gave me might not work because it the code ppl have sent me so far do not work... but is it supposed to do this ???

yourdriving at 5 mph Speed 5

your driving at 50 mph Speed 50

Is that what it is supposed to do ?

:ices_rofl I tried to sig, but it's too long
What am i doing wrong ?
Hi all i still cannot get it to work i have changed admin password and it stilll does the same what am i doing wrong it just keeps on spitting out a error i have microsoft c# installed i already had netframe work V 2.0 3.0 3.5 installed heres a screen shot of the error if i should post the error code let me know thanks i would realy like to get this going

Attached images
Quote from MUFFMAN001 :Hi all i still cannot get it to work i have changed admin password and it stilll does the same what am i doing wrong it just keeps on spitting out a error i have microsoft c# installed i already had netframe work V 2.0 3.0 3.5 installed heres a screen shot of the error if i should post the error code let me know thanks i would realy like to get this going


You need to download visual C# and change the admin pass.

Visual C# :
Open LFS_External with Visual C#. Navigate to the line cfg = new ConnectionSettings. In that, change "password" to the admin password set in your server. Compile, and enjoy
still the ******* same
ingame: insim: not initialised
If it says Insim: Not Initialised, you haven't typed /insim=29999 into your host...
Thanks all but i have changed the admin password in c# i have it installed i found what i think is the cfg line and changed the admin password and its still the same error

could some one who knows what there doing do it for me sounds simple but i have never done coding before so i am utterly confused

im not lazy i gave it a go many times but it just isnt working still says password is incorrect if u could do it for me i would be highly appreciated of ur help if u have some spair time and can help me out please email me on

[email protected]

and i will tell u what my servers admin password is so u can change it into microsofts c# insim and then send the compleated file to me

thanks all for u help i would of given up ages ago if u all didnt help me out LOL

thanks !
is more easy download C# and try you, is very very very easy change, and for problems you can fix the ip, port, adminpass..
when i start it... i get an error, and is says:
decimal Speed = (decimal)((MCI.Info[i].Speed * (100f / 32768f)) * 3.6f);
is wrong....

Can someone help me?
Nicer Buttons, Tow Button and Button that shows you your cars! (All working)
Attached files
Cruise Insim - 340.7 KB - 428 views
@ shaun463: thanks, good updates, go to see that.

Edit: i dont see correct:
Quote from shaun463 :Nicer Buttons, Tow Button and Button that shows you your cars! (All working)

Not that it bothers me in anyway. But i have to ask, Why did you include LFS Mail in that package, and make it show and console and win form window? Is it your goal to make the biggest Zip file?
(dougie-lampkin) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Thread cleaning.
I cant figure out where the thing is to change the admin password.
Oops sorry, I forgot I had left LFSMail in there!

Quote from scoobyrbac :I cant figure out where the thing is to change the admin password.

PM me your pass and I'll sort it!
(Dygear) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Merged shaun's posts, which meant this was redundant. Just trying to keep the thread devoid of too much irrelevant stuff.
How do I do a !send command?
dont know, the command is bugged
Quote from shaun463 :How do I do a !send command?

First of all you learn to program, THEN YOU MAKE ONE!

Not the other way around. Gosh! people these days!
@ Krammeh: shaun isn't noob, he help in this theard with updates, example earner more cash with speed.
Quote from ReVoX :@ Krammeh: shaun isn't noob, he help in this theard with updates, example earner more cash with speed.

@ReVoX Thanks, but I'm not that good at programming.