The online racing simulator
My skin Pack
(58 posts, started )
My skin Pack
Well here it is.
For the less Decallated people among us
You can use them for base coats or you can just use them on their own. If u like them then please gimmie a shout i will do some more with different colours.
If you download these please post a word or so i can see if i can bother making another set

If u decide to use the base coats for skins etc or modify it will be nice to know I will probobly give permission anyway i just wanna be able to see whats been done with my original work...

Info -
Black fade to Green MRT
Sunset double fader XRGTR
PurpOrg Fader Raceabout
UltraViolet Fader XRT
Suzuki RV125
Attached images
Attached files
ElectricBaseCoats.rar - 35.5 KB - 422 views
#3 - Z0iC
I'm stunned with amazement. Thats some real nice base gradients you have there!

I might be able to use one or two in the future, but I'll write here asking for your permission to use them in rfactor.
yea cool,

thanks for the input some people may say they were easy to do but who cares i don't see any others here lol
Honda CRF450
holy s h i t i've been looking for so long for something like this! thanks!
i'll release a V2 pack hopefully with the Formula Cars but maybe i'll stick to Closed Wheel cars until V5
hotels in mexico city
one question, how can you drive those cars ingame as demo racer?

Maybe you don't get a lot replies because nearly everyone that want to make a skin is probably knows how to make those colour fades.
i am not a demo racer i just have never played online yet

also if this is so then why haven't people made these skins already?
Suzuki RE5
#9 - Fiiu
Quote from BlueFlame :i am not a demo racer i just have never played online yet

also if this is so then why haven't people made these skins already?

Maybe they have made 'em. And ditched 'em too.
Wow! Those are some fine skins you got there man!
Oh sorry, I though the status change when you unlock LFS. If i remember right you have to create an account at to able to unlock LFS. So you should be a S2 driver on and when you are a S2 driver there you are a S2 driver in this forum too. Probably i'm wrong but you really should try playing online if you never did.

I really don't know why there are not many skins with fade effects. One reason could be that there are not many real racecars with such effects.

Thanks moonclaw,

well most people tend to use more decals but i prefer Cutsom paint more than anything

Oh my god! Nice skin pack dude, I love those!
Quote from BlueFlame :i am not a demo racer i just have never played online yet

also if this is so then why haven't people made these skins already?

u sure about that or is it cause the cracked version doesnt allow you to play online? lets hope its the former
ok yea i do but the demo would never make me buy the game the cracked version would with all the cars you get a feel for it i just never got that with the demo cars.

I am buying the game this week - why would i jipp a game company who need the money for making a great game?
Harley-Davidson XL1200
heres some of my WIP Skins.
and a little Fun Picture too of me doing a reverse wheelie
Attached images
FXO Sunrise.jpg
shall i cry or laugh? I dont know, I am simply speechless :P
freakin unbelievable job! i like this last wip ones even mmore than original ones! keep it up mate
That yellow fxo looks really sweet!
thanks guys on the FXO i used the original Yellow colour with the orange back so as you appear in somone mirror the driver infront thinks 'Just another noob' and as you over take at 20000 mph he says 'my god it changed colour' lol

thanks for the input i'll make alot more im working on a RB4 Gradient until i get some more colour ideas.
I very much look forward to see a FZ50 GTR skin made by you! :yummy:
haha ok matey theres on on the way
here it is Profi my WiP skin
Attached images
FZR lemon'n'lime.jpg
FZR lemon'n'lime2.jpg
Oh my, neat colours mate! May I have the skin file? It would be nice to use that one on track
I would only need to add the FAC logo in there

My skin Pack
(58 posts, started )