The online racing simulator
Game Of The Year!
(95 posts, started )
Congratulations devs, well deserved.
Quote from the_angry_angel :woot.

I can smell the thrill.
grats ... lfs won all the important categories
#80 - axus
YEAH! Nice! Very well deserved! For a true racer, those three are indeed the most important categories.
Congratulations to the LFS team! There was some stiff competition this year which makes your accomplishment all the more impressive.

For those who missed it, LFS S2 also picked up the AutoSimSport 2005 Readers Awards Best Simulation prize: ...
Very nice achievements for an alpha release
LFS players knew it before but now everyone knows which sim is the best. Excellent job, devs!
LFS not only gets best multiplayer and best physics award, but also becomes


edit: here's the link
What goes around, comes around!

well done to the devs, and the community supporting LFS, keep up the great work!
seriously though im getting tired of people stating lfs is alpha ... sure its a wip project/release ... but its still a commercial product and what we all have sitting on our drives is the current iteration of the ever developing lfs ... not some underdeveloped alpha
(DodgeRacer) DELETED by DodgeRacer
I had doubts LFS was game of the year, but i figured the rfactor fanboys would outvote us, awsome

edited original post title.
(mr mod please edit thread title to exact same)
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Game of the Year, and it's only Alpha version of 66% of the game, and a patch will be coming soon (ish) to make it even better AND it'll be developed continuously (kitchen repair breaks aside) for the foreseeable future.

Does any other title have a look in?
#91 - Jakg
Quote from tristancliffe :Game of the Year, and it's only Alpha version of 66% of the game, and a patch will be coming soon (ish) to make it even better AND it'll be developed continuously (kitchen repair breaks aside) for the foreseeable future.

Does any other title have a look in?

hmmm, so when people are crying out for the physics to be "fixed" and we are waiting for a physics patch, we STILL win an award for having the best. God were lucky!
Quote from tristancliffe :Game of the Year, and it's only Alpha version of 66% of the game, and a patch will be coming soon (ish) to make it even better AND it'll be developed continuously (kitchen repair breaks aside) for the foreseeable future.

Does any other title have a look in?

I wouldn't be so sure about that 66%... or did you mean S2 is 66% or this alpha is 66% of S2?
Why not. S2 is two thirds of LFS, so 66%.
yeah lfs will alwas get the game of the year if the dev,s keep up the good work
Uau and gratz
A bit late since life has been a bit diverted from Racing sims lately, but a big Gratz for the 3 meisters for crreating the best sim ever.... cant wait for the next surprises in the box

Gratz Eric,Scawen and Victor


Game Of The Year!
(95 posts, started )