Need Programmer!! (insim)
Hi i need a programmer to create me an insim
ive tryed to create myself but its
really hard and frustrating plus
i dont have the time to do it
if you could help me
please ask for my msn
and ill give you details of
what i would like my insim
to do
How much are you willing to pay for it?
Quote from Jagster93 :Hi i need a programmer to create me an insim
ive tryed to create myself but its
really hard and frustrating plus
i dont have the time to do it
if you could help me
please ask for my msn
and ill give you details of
what i would like my insim
to do

Maybe some details of the insim program might help too...
Please give a little more detail about the project. I know you may have the "best idea ever" and it could be true but don't think your the only one with the idea. I am not harping on you and that is coming across ruder that I want it to but its a valid point. I don't think you need to give all the specifics of the idea but please explain a little bit about it.

IE: I want a cruise server where the cars can fly around and shoot things, earning points for killing other cars.

Thats about how general it can be, and then later on msn you can go into the specifics of the dead cars get spectated until they can spawn again 30seconds later and leave from pits. Okay, so my example is total crap but it really helps to know a little bit about the direction of your project. And I hope this post helps you...

EDIT: I wrote too much and mcgas beat me!
Wow this thread
seems to be
written like
a poem.

My guess is
he's looking
for a cruise
insim. Here
would be a
good place -

I can't write
the link in
this shape

Wow, I
finally got
1,000 posts
Quote from dougie-lampkin :
Wow, I
finally got
1,000 posts

Quoting WoW:
OK, only another
14,000 posts
to go until
I can use my
e-penis in

Quote from dougie-lampkin :OK, only another
14,000 posts
to go until
I can use my
e-penis in


Dont be a idiot, If you dont wanna help the guy. Dont post. He may have typed funny, but dont make a joke of it. Just ignore it...
I did help, I pointed to the Cruise Tutorial, which is more than likely what he's looking for...
Quote from Dygear :To much AO for you sir.


And I haven't played WoW for ages. And I only played it couple of months to test it what was it like. And as you can guess (Because I quit it), I didn't liked it.
I would play :wow:...but I'm too cheap to pay for it... :Kick_Can_
lol erm... sorry i ant been replying people
i just forgot i made this post
i still need an insim though lol
one like LTC's would be good
but it would still need more doing to it
cause i need one for south city were u get bonus money
for doing stunts while driving etc...
fanx for all the comments lol
sorry if i sound stupid but how does insim work and what do i need to work it?