The online racing simulator
What are you (m/f)?
(133 posts, started )

Poll : What are you?

Quote from Becky Rose :31/female/fenlands/single and not interested.

o come on i promise i won't talk about sports or hormones or competition never ever again.i'll remove my steroids if you like as well to br more emotional.
Quote from Blackout :Hyper you forgot few cars

MRT is...?

And LX4 is defenately whatever.

And yes.
FWD = girly.

But also:
4wd = whatever
RWD = Manly

With the exceptions:
Traction control = girly+
Wings and slicks = girly+

If girly 2+ -> Uma Thurman
If manly and girly -> whatever
If 4wd -> always hermafrodite

And because it is scientifically analyzed, I see no reason to discuss about it. Like it or accept it
Last month we played a friendly ice hockey game with Agordo womens team.
More than half of the women Italian national team of Torino 2006 were there.
Thank god i'm 30 kg (65 lbs) heavier than them.
We managed to beat them only because we were big, but they give us a lesson of agressiveness, teamplay and COMPETITION. They played to the death all the game long.
Well if hormones had a decisive role i dont think they will look like normal girls and have fancy flower painting on skates blade holders.
If hormones had a decisive role they will look like comunist german swimmers and have skulls painting on blade holders...
Not looking at the game i would say they were only "normal girls" (dunno if it's offensive to say "normal girl" in case sorry for bad english).
Another normal girl:

I think we like girls that likes motorsport because so we can have something in common and so "understand us"; like girls that play volleyball likes boy that play volleyball because they have something in common
Quote from Hyperactive :And because it is scientifically analyzed, I see no reason to discuss about it. Like it or accept it

I think in LFS I am scientifically gay.
ok i give up it doesn't depend on hormones. it depends on hair length.

longer the hair = more competitive
win ratio = hair color variable x hair length / opponent weight difference
best lap with RAC = num. of brothers and sisters x num of barbies / hair strength+flower paintings on hair clip.

scientifically proved.
Quote from Hyperactive :MRT is...?

And LX4 is defenately whatever.

And yes.
FWD = girly.

But also:
4wd = whatever
RWD = Manly

With the exceptions:
Traction control = girly+
Wings and slicks = girly+

If girly 2+ -> Uma Thurman
If manly and girly -> whatever
If 4wd -> always hermafrodite

And because it is scientifically analyzed, I see no reason to discuss about it. Like it or accept it

Totally agreed, but I'm not sure I agree with the slicks and wings bit.

Slicks can be good and manly - they have less give at the limit, and can bite you, as well as increasing cornerning forces. Thus quite manly.
Wings - on a road car they are for complete pansies. The Koeneneneneneneigsegg is a good example of this - utterly RUINED by the addition of a wing. However, a purpose built racing car where the wing is designed to increase competativeness, I'd argue that on the right car (e.g. Reynard 883's ) it's not at all girly. But on a Caterham it would be.

Not so simple this is it. But yeah, FWD is girly, and any 4WD car from the last 20 years is too.
"win ratio = hair color variable x hair length / opponent weight difference"
Damn... i know i didnt have to cut my hair!
And to explain my previous post: in hockey weight difference it's a huge advantage.
A good way to cheat in sports are hormones (the "grow up" ones, my bad english again) the results in phisical change could be very ehm... disgusting.
Does more streght help you in driving? Michelle Mouton proved that it's not the case.
Why are some girls liking motorsport? And why are some guys playing volleyball? (in Italy it's more of a girls sport)
Who knows? Maybe they dont like other sports, maybe they would try something new... who knows?
Then be good in driving, volleyball, or whatever sport it's a mix of hard practice, talent and luck...
Quote from tristancliffe :So stop when it tingles.

I've stopped. I was getting dizzy, anyway. Most people don't like cricket because it's boring. I don't like cricket because bowling makes my fingers tingle.
Quote from Becky Rose :who we all know, have far less accidents.

Have less? Yes! Cause less? ....
i watched this on BBC;
A man has a tiger as a pet and he usually goes out for a walk with his tiger.One day A woman from neighbourhood came to him and said "-i don't feel safe while you walk around with your tiger!" and he answered "-And i don't feel safe when you are driving around."



I meant Male.
male and I wanted to post this in "how to pull a girl racer" but its closed so im going to... break the rules and say

1 Famous way to pull a girl racer... HEY, Nice RAC
thanks for bumping this topic, i was offline for a week when that was made, so missed it lol.
this 1 made me giggle

Quote from Fischfix :35cm male

ive never seen such a little adult!
9-14cm male. It varies.
I am a Guy, no girl.
Arh i dont know ? can i choose both ?
Quote from Becky Rose :31/female/fenlands/single and not interested.

Gotta be despret! still no luck on internet dating then? poor you!

WOW this is getting an old thread, totaly forgot about it! AND no SHEMALE yet damn...
Oh,i wish the things you say were true,because i would be a flavio Briatore that would win every race due to his hair lenght. If only it was that way...
But theres one thing i dont understand:why is girly 2+ Uma Thurman,i would put her into she-male or even male XD
Quote from S0ul :But theres one thing i dont understand:why is girly 2+ Uma Thurman,i would put her into she-male or even male XD

You better put your flamesuit, you have like 5 minutes before I find my BFG9000:flamed:
Quote from Eldanor :You better put your flamesuit, you have like 5 minutes before I find my BFG9000:flamed:

what, BF1 got upgraded? Does that name mean 9000 G forces? Must be pretty fast and manly car then.

Quote from deggis :what, BF1 got upgraded? Does that name mean 9000 G forces? Must be pretty fast and manly car then.

Nop, it was a geek Doom joke
of course I know what it is really
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Sometimes I don't get irony in english very well
only 9 females
Wow.. you dug up an old thread!

According to the CTRA stats there are quite a few women. This is counting the number of people who LAST drove on CTRA servers with a female player model since Jan (when we started counting).
Quote from SamH :Wow.. you dug up an old thread!

According to the CTRA stats there are quite a few women. This is counting the number of people who LAST drove on CTRA servers with a female player model since Jan (when we started counting).

Yeah like Devil Z he drives with a female model because he says that's lighter O_o.
Quote from SamH :Wow.. you dug up an old thread!

According to the CTRA stats there are quite a few women. This is counting the number of people who LAST drove on CTRA servers with a female player model since Jan (when we started counting).

but some drive because they like women... or the reason above

What are you (m/f)?
(133 posts, started )