LFS development thread (not flaming or fighting thread)
Well, I'm opening this thread to try to compile some relevant information about LFS development from Scawen's post that can explain the situation of LFS and why the devs are acting the way they are, that are hidden in the middle of big topics, and ask I for your help to do that (since I don't have the time or the patience needed to research on all Scawen's replies). And please let your own comments or other things to other threads.
The reason for that is that not everyone should every reply from every post, and I feel that there are some important information, that we are supposed to know when discuss about the LFS development, but not everyone know due to that.
I will start with some words from the official LFS website, just to clarify the goal of LFS for the newcomers.
So, the license stands for the extra content. The LFS' engine (graphics, physics, sounds, multiplayer system and etc) is for "free". What you pay is for the extra cars and tracks, not the physics updates, because they are for everyone (including demo racers, that pays nothing to play the demo).
But but but, Scawen, we know that you said you are working on the physics, but you can't say "we've said" because we, the community, have absolutely no idea, at all, of what Eric is working on. We can assume he's working on dashboards among other things, because there have been some complaints about them, but we can only assume. Nothing has been said by any of you devs, and as a matter of fact, Eric still has 0 posts in this forum......
I'm sure Eric's work will be included in the next patch and I will much rather have it be a big surprise (5-6 months is quite a long time so there should be quite a lot) than have it revealed now. BTW, this should be stickied with all the important info from Scawen up there.
The point of this thread is to find all Scawen's posts and combine them into a single thread containing all the "info". The problem is that you take some random posts and try to "read them out" like there were some special info inside. Having a thread like this may also make Scawen to post less because all his words are looked through looking glass to find any info about LFS. When there is no info. They are just random posts
I think this is a quite good compilation of Scawens posts that should finally shut up all those angry people and their "discussing". Not because it gives an exact answer to what we will have in the next patch, but just because the common sense ratio is so overwhelming that most people should fall into a vegetative state. Normally the concentration of Scawen's posts is far too thin to cause any silence, but lets all hope this does it
The point of this thread is to find all Scawen's posts and combine them into a single thread containing all the "info". The problem is that you take some random posts and try to "read them out" like there were some special info inside. Having a thread like this may also make Scawen to post less because all his words are looked through looking glass to find any info about LFS. When there is no info. They are just random posts
And as a such contains no new/old info...
You are not wrong, but there are some hidden info in this forum, that ppl is supposed to know before complaining, but as they are hidden, most of who complain don't know ( me included ) and who try to flame who complains know.
This thread is intended to avoid specially newcomers from complaining about issues that devs already know or are working on, but they've stated between some old posts.
These are some "random" replies, but their meaning are still valid although out of the original post. But ppl should not try to find information underneith the words, just get the message that is clearly stated.
And let's avoid complaining or posting comments here, let's keep this the "clarifying post".
LFS team i just have to say i think your doing a great job and i am happy with the updates so far. I myself dont see any point in these kind of threads but what i would like to see is maybe a monthly update just to let us know whats on the cards. Like i said befor i am very happy with s2 so far and i know there r bugs but the game is still very playable and far better than the competion and we only on a beta .
Once again i will say thanks to Scawen Roberts, Eric Bailey, Victor van Vlaardingen for all the work they have and still are puting in your doing a great job .
Mogar, one thing that would be useful is to insert the dates of Scawen's posts. So people will actually know when he said "that", and we can draw a "timeline" with his posts.
He's right about that though, the engine is the same on all licenses, there's no assumption there.
Mogar this was a good idea of yours to post this info, at some point it'll have to be edited to retain only the useful posts like you originally intended, not all our opinions about it.... It is a good idea and I see your reasoning behind it and it's sound reasoning.
I think Mogar you deserve credit for maintaining composure and trying to advance the "discussion" in a positive fashion despite the heat that gets stirred up in here sometimes.
I would be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way you do sometimes, but we're all in the same waiting boat here and all we can do is lend our support for this revolutionary project. There really is nothing like this project even in it's current form. Once the obvious things are worked out, we'll be light-years ahead, with more things still on the way! Isn't that great?
I'll do that, but I'm a bit out of free time on weekdays due to my new job, and other activities so you will have to wait a bit.
Anyway, the replies that I've collected (and will collect more if I find) are all about the current LFS state. Most of the things will become outdated as long as a new patch is released, but when that happens, I think that it will take a long time to start the complaining threads in the forum.
And although outside the original topic, they have their meaning almost untouched unless ppl try to extract underneith info that do not exist.