The online racing simulator
(60 posts, started )
Quote from harjun :Just wondering if anyone plays warrock?

Oh....god.....glitchy laggy buggy game ftw....seriously just play FEAR Combat (the free MP version of Fear).
Quote from dawesdust_12 :What about that "Live For Speed" game, you know... the one where you drive around, dealing speed, and if you don't deliver it fast enough, you get shot... :hide:

ive played it.. it sucks... physics are crap, graphics too, and you need a super mega computer to run it... rfactor feels like if you are driving it.. play it instead of Live For Speed
No,Call of Duty 4 all the way!
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Which one? Mahjong "proper" or mahjong solitaire?

Dude. Proper of course! Add some friends, some yum cha and pots of green tea & bam! Good times. You could also add some thick drapes on the walls, something pleasant to smoke, some Miles Davis ... beats the hell out of Warrock. Not that I've played it, mind you, but that name's enough of a whack jam to keep me away
Quote from dawesdust_12 :What about that "Live For Speed" game, you know... the one where you drive around, dealing speed, and if you don't deliver it fast enough, you get shot... :hide:

No no no, that is drug dealing, not Live For Speed.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :What about that "Live For Speed" game, you know... the one where you drive around, dealing speed, and if you don't deliver it fast enough, you get shot... :hide:

Huh? There's a Grand Theft Auto mod for Live for Speed now?
Please lock, its just a flame war in this thread.
mmm sodoku, good times good times.

who here plays jump rope??? i cant get enough of it, its like ciggaretts and sex combined!! i love it!!!
Quote from shaun463 :Please lock, its just a flame war in this thread.

I don't see flames, not even sparks! People just seem to be treating this thread with the respect it deserves

Now, who's for a game of May I?
Can anyone suggest a good, free/cheap FPS?

It's a list of "free FPS games"... i suppose if there are any good ones, you'll find them in there too, right?

Take the list... and find some reviews on the games. Lazy arse.
Quote from jibber :It's a list of "free FPS games"... i suppose if there are any good ones, you'll find them in there too, right?

Take the list... and find some reviews on the games. Lazy arse.

Finding 'em. Downloading AA, I already have assaultcube and a few others.

Mah jong is evil! I lost part of my teenage life to that.. along with the various unreal, quake, etc. games at school... Ah those were the incredibly lazy days!

Quote from shaun463 :Please lock, its just a flame war in this thread.

If you feel a thread should be locked please use the "report this post" feature of the forum. Mods do not patrol endlessly looking for requests to close threads, or unsuitable threads.

Whilst this one did start off in a rude manner, it now seems to be back on track, albeit a very off topic track
/me continues OT-ness
System Shock 2 question.

I'm in the ICU on the med/sci deck. Where do I go from there?

(I don't expect any of you to know what I'm on about...)
Quote from DieKolkrabe :I'm in the ICU on the med/sci deck. Where do I go from there?

You need to find a couple of keycards to get into the maintenance ducting, if I remember correctly

Can't remember the map much more than that though, unfortunately Might give you a hand though.
Quote from the_angry_angel :You need to find a couple of keycards to get into the maintenance ducting, if I remember correctly

Can't remember the map much more than that though, unfortunately Might give you a hand though.

PM/MSN me?, I've got the code from Watts, where do I go to find the maintainence shaft? I'm lost in R&D
Sorry I dont have it any more, unfortunately, and I'm at work at the moment

Have you tried looking for a walkthrough on the intarwebs?
Quote from the_angry_angel :Sorry I dont have it any more, unfortunately, and I'm at work at the moment

Have you tried looking for a walkthrough on the intarwebs?

Yep, I am now in Engineering

Best stock up on rad hypos methinks...

And WTH is it with the worms?
Hi there my msn is not responding what should i do

ok jk.
Ok, I am now annoyed

I spend 3hrs DLing AA

Only to find that the file's corrupt. Then my PC reboots when I repair the archive

I blame SHODAN


(I need to stop playing SS2 :P)

I still prefer Bioshock. Even with a business suicide DRM scheme, I still find it to be one of the greatest games I've ever played. The atmosphere created, along with the way that everything fits with the style of the game, is just spectacular.

The only little downfall I've found is that using the typical KB+Mouse, is it seems the view moves too strange, so I've always used a 360 controller.

(60 posts, started )