The online racing simulator
My latest FXO-GTR skin :) it his my latest FXR skin me what you think
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(XCNuse) DELETED by XCNuse
Not bad at all, but maybe you should try some colour variation, instead of simple black and white
My latest FXO-GTR skin =)
Here it latest FXR skin, tell me what you think
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Pretty cool, I like the fading.

One thing though: do you think the "Michelin" on the rear spoiler should flip around so you can see it the right way up when looking from the nose of the car? You wouldn't be able to see it from behind, especially at car level, so having it upside down doesn't make much sense
hi, well done so far but its somehow strange to put the logos of 3 different tyre manufacturers on.

potenza = bridgestone (tyres)
michelin (tyres)
falken (tyres)

that makes no sense on one car

btw the michelin decal on the rear wing makes no sense in this direction - it should be turned 180 degrees.
here a normal skin with some flames on it...
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Already changed Michelin logo...:P
Haha, thats really cool
Hi all.
Here is a render of my first FXO GTR Skin. It is based on the 2004 BTCC Vauxhall. Hope u all like it . If you would like to download this skin the please visit my website (Below).
Thanks in advance.
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Haha, brilliant. :bunny:
Tatuu, tatuu! (insider)
Awesome skin!
(schofei) DELETED by schofei
(schofei) DELETED by schofei
I have edited my old FXR skin slightly, it's very nearly finished. I just need two answers before it is done...
With photoshop, how can you curve an image so it can fit on the suntrip properly? I just want the Vodafone text on the sunstrip, but it tends to curve away from the bottom.
And, when resizing (again, with photoshop), what are the best settings to use so you don't lose so much quality. I have tried using sharpen, but that just seems to make the edges darker.
use Photoshop filter Distort > Shear and just bend the curve a little.

I save my skins in Save for Web around 60% and they are just very sharp and crisp. Don't forget to make your skins at 2048*2048 and only scale down to 1024 at the end when you're finished.
Oops, I made the skin at 1024x1024, for some reason I thought skins had to be uploaded at 512x512 one problem sorted.
I tried using shear before, but I don't understand how that tool works, whenever I try to bend it, the whole layer moves and becomes slanted, like italic text.
hi cropsy,

select the layer of your banner, then draw a selection box around it. click distort>shear and a popup window will appear. click in the middle of the vertical line and drag it horizontally out of center and watch your banner distort.

i hope i explain that well?

i use buntas 2048x2048 pro kits and just resize to 1024x1024. any better way i'd like to hear myself.

Quote :select the layer of your banner, then draw a selection box around it. click distort>shear and a popup window will appear. click in the middle of the vertical line and drag it horizontally out of center and watch your banner distort.

i hope i explain that well?

Yeah, that has sorted it, thanks alot

Quote : i use buntas 2048x2048 pro kits and just resize to 1024x1024. any better way i'd like to hear myself.

I started making the original skin before Bunta released the pro kit, even before S2 was released. I couldn't be bothered to ship all of the layers from the current .psd to the pro kit psd.

Anyway, here is the skin & the previous version.
Not many changes really, and the only really noticable changes are towards the front of the car.

Improvement or not?
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That skin is really a beauty... Maybe add the green on the front bumper from the old skin too... But I couldn't think of anything else to make it more beautiful than it is now...
Hi guys, heres my first edit of LFS (skin wise). Not much but thought I'd share it! New tail lights, 3d (look) body emblems, dash console, and steering wheel. No front changes (pointless to an extent, not very similar to the GTO there) As far as performance, Shift at 5,000 rpm in each gear and it will at least sound similar (of course dont race like that :razz . To get the most accurate feel, download Mecanik and set it to RWD and up the HP a couple hundreths.

Photoshoped the brake lights. in game brakes lights up of course like standard fxo, also top reverse lights are the turn signals.

Extract all files to your game directory, data, dds. *Make backups of all files*

Also have the new black background tail light version if anyone wants it
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Quote from hrtburnout :Not bad at all, but maybe you should try some colour variation, instead of simple black and white

Yes, i know. But im new to this hehe. well, maybe later i slip out something cooler
Quote from bbman :That skin is really a beauty... Maybe add the green on the front bumper from the old skin too... But I couldn't think of anything else to make it more beautiful than it is now...

Thank you
I just tried adding the old green bumper, but I don't think it fits in so well with the new changes, so it is now red, and the skin is complete.
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FXR_CropsyV2 .jpg
nice one, cropsy

here's the fxo skin i made for the master skinnerz challenge #12

a screenie, a high res skin (2048) and a downsized skin (1024)
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Hi all.

These are the MotorFX team cars.
Hope you like.

(You can also get these liveries on the FOX and FO8.)
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Hi everyone.

Here is a v8 supercar for the FXR. it is based on Russell Ingall's 2005 ford falcon. I tried to recreate as best as possible but the shape of the car is too different. Plus i don't know much about the v8's either.
anyway i hope you like it.
I thought it would be appropriate to paint as he is sponsored by caltex VORTEX. and thats my username!

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FXO Skins (& GTR)
(2595 posts, started )