The online racing simulator
MPR bug
(12 posts, started )
MPR bug
Did a search, but wasn't able to find anything similar:

Did a 53 lap race last night on Blackwood/FZR + 5 laps to empty the fuel tank. Then went to pit and saved a reply after I completely exited the pits.

When I watched it later on, LFS says "cP r4ptor already has a car" when the race is about to start. Didn't noticed this when I was there.

When the race started, I got caught a bit off guard, so shift+s'ed from the grid to adjust fuel amount and joined in again.

Anyhow - the real bug:

In lap 10 I complete disappear during the straight and LFS says "cP r4ptor pitted" just after I typed "^^"

I'm still on the connection list after that and further chat can be seen, but I'm not in the racers list.

Invicible car in mpr
Did a 6 lap race on CTRA single seater 2 server last night. Decided to save it and watch the start again as we had 3 cars side by side and no collisions. Then later on when i watched the replay it just says in the beginning that i'm in the pits. Then on last lap on lap 6 i magically reappear to the final straight and the game is saing that i have left the pits.

I think that everybody in the race could see me. It can be seen as i had a tight fight with -willi- halfway trough the first lap and on the final lap with ehnico.

Then i thought that the problem was only in my end and downloaded the replay from the server. But it turns out that also in that replay i am missing.

So what could be the reason, might be that before the start of the replay i actually was in the pits and entered just when the race was about to start.

Here are both of the replays, first one from my point of view and the second from the server.
Attached files
nice race.mpr - 1.4 MB - 142 views
Single2_AS7_12_Mar_2008_2011.mpr - 1.5 MB - 131 views
Quote from Jouman :Did a 6 lap race on CTRA single seater 2 server last night. Decided to save it and watch the start again as we had 3 cars side by side and no collisions. Then later on when i watched the replay it just says in the beginning that i'm in the pits. Then on last lap on lap 6 i magically reappear to the final straight and the game is saing that i have left the pits.

I think that everybody in the race could see me. It can be seen as i had a tight fight with -willi- halfway trough the first lap and on the final lap with ehnico.

Then i thought that the problem was only in my end and downloaded the replay from the server. But it turns out that also in that replay i am missing.

So what could be the reason, might be that before the start of the replay i actually was in the pits and entered just when the race was about to start.

Here are both of the replays, first one from my point of view and the second from the server.

Thats just weird.

How close to the green light did you join? If it was in the last half a second or less, my guess would be this:

You joined SO late that the server didn't 'notice' that you had joined. So, because the server thought you had never joined, it never sent 'messages' to the server to update your car's position on track, therefore, It appeared that you were never on the track. Then, maybe on the last lap, it somehow detected you were on track and so it sent info of your cars position to the server.

Another strange this is that as I spectated your car, just as you 'left the pits', the track textures around your car hadn't loaded properly.
I think i joined pretty early, even before the reds. But can't be sure cause can't check the replay .
Quote from Jouman :I think i joined pretty early, even before the reds. But can't be sure cause can't check the replay .

It may have been caused by lag. You could have lagged from just before joining until the green lights, so the server never 'knew' your car was in the race.

I know nothing about how LFS Servers work, so I'm probably completely wrong
Quote from JO53PHS :It may have been caused by lag. You could have lagged from just before joining until the green lights, so the server never 'knew' your car was in the race.

I know nothing about how LFS Servers work, so I'm probably completely wrong

Heh yeah, also about the lag i don't think there was any more then usual. Like i said we had really close fights in the race so i think others would have had problems sticking near me.
Quote from Jouman :Heh yeah, also about the lag i don't think there was any more then usual. Like i said we had really close fights in the race so i think others would have had problems sticking near me.

From the other drivers point of view, you were never even in the race until the last corner of lap 6. So even if you were lagging it wouldn't have been a problem for them anyway because you technically weren't even in the race.
Quote from JO53PHS :From the other drivers point of view, you were never even in the race until the last corner of lap 6. So even if you were lagging it wouldn't have been a problem for them anyway because you technically weren't even in the race.

You should check the replay. There you can definedly see that i'm visible to the other drivers. Would have posted this subject to this thread ... ?t=7059&highlight=mpr if i'd thought so.
Quote from JO53PHS :Trust me, your car is NOT visible when I spectate the race

Did he say something different?

He said that he was visible for other drivers when the ACTUAL RACE happened. :rolleyes:
Quote from zeugnimod :Did he say something different?

He said that he was visible for other drivers when the ACTUAL RACE happened. :rolleyes:

My english might be a bit off . This is exactly what i meant.
Quote from zeugnimod :Did he say something different?

He said that he was visible for other drivers when the ACTUAL RACE happened. :rolleyes:

Don't you roll eyes me!!

MPR bug
(12 posts, started )