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Stuck on a toilet
(18 posts, started )
Stuck on a toilet
Woman stuck on toilet for two years

Police in Kansas are investigating after a woman became stuck after sitting on her boyfriend's toilet for two years.
Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said it appeared the 35-year-old woman's skin had grown around the seat.
She initially refused help from medics but was finally convinced by ambulance crews and her boyfriend that she needed to be checked out at a hospital.
"We pried the toilet seat off with a pry bar and the seat went with her to the hospital," Mr Whipple said. "The hospital removed it."
Mr Whipple said investigators planned to present their report to the county attorney, who will determine whether any charges should be filed against the woman's 36-year-old boyfriend.
"She was not glued. She was not tied. She was just physically stuck by her body," Mr Whipple said. "It is hard to imagine... I still have a hard time imagining it myself."
He told investigators he brought his girlfriend food and water, and asked her every day to come out of the bathroom. of their home in Ness City.
"And her reply would be, 'Maybe tomorrow'," Mr Whipple said. "According to him, she did not want to leave the bathroom."
The boyfriend called police on February 27 to report that "there was something wrong with his girlfriend," Mr Whipple said, adding that he never explained why it took him two years to call.
She was taken to a hospital in Wichita, about 150 miles southeast of their home in Ness City. Mr Whipple said she has refused to cooperate with medics or police.

What the....

That's some good toilet humour right there.
Only in America springs to mind.

Quote :Mr Whipple said investigators planned to present their report to the county attorney, who will determine whether any charges should be filed against the woman's 36-year-old boyfriend.

Also, what the fook? It isn't as though she was a child.

Wth??? O_O

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Only in America springs to mind.

Erm, lol we posted at the same time and I was right about to say that lol but then i was like naaaaaaaaaaaaah someone else will do it :P
Poor man... living in an apartment with a constantly occupied bathroom...
You know, in all honesty I would think it was a joke for about 2 days, and after 3 days I'd get creeped the hell out, and by the 5th day the cops would have been there. Hell I doubt I have that much patience, although for the first two days it would be funny...
Now here's a cliffhanger if there ever was one: did she or did she not flush?
World's longest poo?
Wrong Humor in wrong place?

or better

Funniest shit ever
Quote from xaotik :Now here's a cliffhanger if there ever was one: did she or did she not flush?

Likely; she certainly couldn't have wipeh her ass though. :vomit:
To be fair, after a night out with the lads and a maybe a dodgy curry, I certainly feel as if I could spend a couple of years on the loo.
Wow,he waited 2 years to finally call for
Quote from CobraDrifter :Wow,he waited 2 years to finally call for

Yep, I think WoW could well have been the culprit there
I was also very shocked when i read this thats why i posted it here . I noticed a few of you have put 'only in america' lol. Well if you click the link, it shows the page on msn which has a picture of an american flag next to the article, i think msn were thinking that too lol

Quote from CobraDrifter :Wow,he waited 2 years to finally call for

his reply: "She is an adult; she made her own decision," said her boyfriend, Kory McFarren. "I should have gotten help for her sooner; I admit that. But after a while, you kind of get used to it."
After a few days - screw the cops - I'd have gone straight for the men in the white jackets...
The muppet shouldn't have taken her food. She might be able to reach the taps to drink while on the toilet, but she'd eventually have gotten hungry enough to move.
it reminds me of ''only in america'' things. gotta be boring to live in a toilet

EDIT: oh, it were american
What the hell o_O
Read about that thing yesterday, sick stuff.

Stuck on a toilet
(18 posts, started )