Unknow or Unknown?
(47 posts, started )
Unknow or Unknown?
What's the right way of writing this word? Me and lfs-drift staff are having an arguement on this, and he won't believe it's unknown! Help us you supperior english peoples.
Quote from Riders Motion :What's the right way of writing this word? Me and lfs-drift staff are having an arguement on this, and he won't believe it's unknown! Help us you supperior english peoples.

It's 'unknown,' lol.

"The number of casualties is unknown at this time."
#3 - MR_B
Let an Englishman tell you,

it's "unknown"
If they're referring to something which is not known, it's definitely "unknown". As in the opposite of "known". Something that people do not know. Information which is unavailable for perusal. Data which is not present. Stuff what aint knowed!

Jeez, are these guys too damn lazy to consult dictionary.com? Can't find an appropriate lolcat/English translator? The full extent of their improvident lackwittedness is unknown to me at this time.
#5 - SamH
"unknow" would be to forget, if it was a real word.. but it isn't.

Then you've got "unbeknownst", which is when you didn't know then, but do now, or is a secret that isn't known by someone but is by someone else.. literally information existing but not available/held. There are so many fun possibilities with language...
Thanks everyone, now I know he's wrong so I'm happy.

@ SamH: Thread can be locked now, I got my answer.
thx rm your luky
beacause i can take a lot but dont do that again an say "in your tooth"

or your server will be closed

just a warning this time m8

take care next time

(if i said its unknow its beacause im bad whit english grammar)
soo now evryone can laugh but dont continue

thx , lfs-drift staff
#8 - SamH
unknown. unknow isn't a word?
Looks to me like Mr Drift staff is taking a redline approach to getting a bigger e-penis.
Quote from SamH :wut dis meen?

Not until I have mine!

have what ? XD a server :O
close it beacause without money no server
Quote from SamH :wut dis meen?

Not until I have mine!

Long story, ''lfs-drift staff'' is hosting Slide-FX Public Drift server and everytime I prove him wrong he menaces to close the server. Love you Sammy!
#13 - SamH
/me chortles

I thought for a moment we were looking at some kind of dDOS threat. I don't think that's the case, now I look more closely. But of course, if I'm wrong, I'd love to hear about it
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :unknown. unknow isn't a word?

unknow can be translated
unknown too
is it unknowed or unknowned or unknewn ? or unknew ? XD damn im lost in this kind of know/knew
#15 - SamH
Quote from lfs-drift staff :have what ? XD a server :O

Oh god no, I have servers out the ying-yang! I really need to streamline!
Quote from Riders Motion :Long story, ''lfs-drift staff'' is hosting Slide-FX Public Drift server and everytime I prove him wrong he menaces to close the server. Love you Sammy!

ha ha and menaces always work XD idk why :O
Quote from SamH :Oh god no, I have servers out the ying-yang! I really need to streamline!

stream ? isnt for something like on-line radio ?
#18 - SamH
Running 4 of those too!
why 4
#20 - SamH
1 rock station which runs 24/7, 3 others for UKCT members to stream when they feel like it.. which they almost never do! http://radio.ukct.net
Erm, we wont laugh at you because your first language isn't english...

Your aloud not to know perfect grammar in english. I'm pretty sure your better then most people in this community in french however.
its a lot :O
but why you need more streamline ?

oo forget this
i badly read your post
Quote from evilpimp :Erm, we wont laugh at you because your first language isn't english...

Your aloud not to know perfect grammar in english. I'm pretty sure your better then most people in this community in french however.

Answer = Unknown :P

not more than rm :P
anyway i learn nothing interesting at school i just learn into game and on-line player and its not the samething

but thx

btw: nice rb4 in your avatar
Or me Cuz im better then spiderpig at 4 different languages.

*edit* thanks - Skin by me, render by beefyman666. :P

Unknow or Unknown?
(47 posts, started )