Welcome all to the 2008 LFSEA Supercar skin pack for the FXR 
Our skinning team for the 2008 skins was Flinty72, dwayno, Dav0 and myself. A mention and big thanks must also go to our resident Logo and Font master KNAPPO. A massive thank you to the team, these skins take quite some time to get done and it was a massive effort to get them out in such a short space of time.
You will find 2 packs below, one in 1024 res and another in 2048 for those with beefy rigs. There is also a pdf in each file containing info on copyright and the naming convention used.
http://www.vilantedesign.com/f ... 2008_Supercar_Preview.jpg
Please visit the following link for a few renders of the skins;
Skin Pack Links:
1024 Skin Pack
2048 Skin Pack
Vil and the skin team

Our skinning team for the 2008 skins was Flinty72, dwayno, Dav0 and myself. A mention and big thanks must also go to our resident Logo and Font master KNAPPO. A massive thank you to the team, these skins take quite some time to get done and it was a massive effort to get them out in such a short space of time.
You will find 2 packs below, one in 1024 res and another in 2048 for those with beefy rigs. There is also a pdf in each file containing info on copyright and the naming convention used.
http://www.vilantedesign.com/f ... 2008_Supercar_Preview.jpg
Please visit the following link for a few renders of the skins;
Skin Pack Links:
1024 Skin Pack
2048 Skin Pack
Vil and the skin team