Few hours before competition i was really having fun, but 5 minutes before start there weren't cca half of the signed up drifters and nobody knew if the competition will start or not. We came there to drift ( well few of us i think, others were singing at TS

or just having fun ), and i'm glad that we just tried "qualification" ( i really don't know if i can call it quali, coz it had no continue ).
Mike: I know it wasn't easy to organize event like this, maybe you should try organize something at CZ/SK drift scene and then some international drift contest. And next time plz do layout with less clip points ( or do it more driftable ), if i remember right, there was only
1 drifter who drove it without hitting any cone, or tyrestack. And imho it was judges' main criterium, if the contestant hit or doesn't hit any of the clip points.

( It's just my opinion so don't blame me pls ). But it wasn't your mistake Mike and i was trying to help you with organization or anything as much as i could.
See ya'll at another drift comp.