Hi all!
I'm trying to render the XRR car with Yafray raytracing render engine for avoid the "plastic" effect of the blender internal engine but... I've some problems with the final effect of render.
I'm using the *.blend file that are in the post 3D Render free kit with all the models in the file.
Well look this:
This render is using the internal blender engine:

And this is with Yafray engine:

We see some people in that thread that says that he're usi yafray for solve the plastic effect problems but I don't know if they're using *. blend of that thread.
Do you know what's happening??
Thank's for all!!
I'm trying to render the XRR car with Yafray raytracing render engine for avoid the "plastic" effect of the blender internal engine but... I've some problems with the final effect of render.
I'm using the *.blend file that are in the post 3D Render free kit with all the models in the file.
Well look this:
This render is using the internal blender engine:

And this is with Yafray engine:

We see some people in that thread that says that he're usi yafray for solve the plastic effect problems but I don't know if they're using *. blend of that thread.
Do you know what's happening??
Thank's for all!!