make a file called welcome.txt and put it in your root LFS Folder (where the EXE is), Edit the file welcome.txt in notepad and type in the message you want people to see.
then you can either
a: if its a dedicated server make sure you have teh command: /welcome=welcome.txt (by default it is near the bottom)
b: go into your server with your admin password and type /welcome=welcome.txt
After that anybody joining will see the message from the text file
If your server is connected to the insim relay (ie LFS World) the master server can send a welcome message to your clients as they actually join the server.
Hi , I own a LFS server and I want to put a welcome mesage ,I`v tried all the steps above and it wont work , it sez "file not found". I know ima demo racer/server but please leave an advice with what im doing wrong.
go in the start menu, control panel, folder preferances, and deactivate "Disable Known file extenions". Then u should see that ur file is called welcome.txt.txt (maybe im wrong)