Need Help whit the !send command
Hello guys
My problem
I have the Insim base from the_angry_angel and i have mod it for me whit other commands and stuff
and now , i need now only the !send command that i can finish it !
i hope you can help me whit it,
if you have questions about my insim
my msn is: [email protected]

I Hope you guys can help me
Greez Heiko
Quote from Marco1 :Hello guys
My problem
I have the Insim base from the_angry_angel and i have mod it for me whit other commands and stuff
and now , i need now only the !send command that i can finish it !
i hope you can help me whit it,
if you have questions about my insim
my msn is: [email protected]

I Hope you guys can help me
Greez Heiko

It would help if you said what sort of problem you are having with the !send command. Or do you just want someone to do it for you?
when i type !send 500 Heiko1 its its don´t send the money to the username but i have less money
hope you can help me
Grezz Heiko
yea right i describe it detailed

when i type !send 500 Heiko1,
I have 500€ less money but Heiko1 isn't got the money.
Then he haven't the code to send other player money.
But he have the code thats he can pay a fine.
Also he only can pay a fine to the empty (bank).
But he wants the code thats when he "Send" other player money thats the player got the money.

P.S: I know its a bit sh** writen.

SRY 4 my bad english:spyoda:

Greetings Marco
Please Help!
can anybody help us?
i hope thats he release it
no sry that don´t helps me i have the !pay cammand
but i have change it and name it to !send and
when i type !send 100 Marco1 it don´t send the money to him but i got less money
i hope anybody can send me the code or help me whit it
We dont need more help

we got help from a friend
Close this thread
Peoblem is fixed

Please Close this thread.
If the issue is resolved let us know, as you did before when you said you got help from a friend. Bumping it to let us know that we can close the thread just litters the forum.
ok you can close it now
Don't be obtuse Heiko.
This thread is closed