The online racing simulator
Over 30s Club
(181 posts, started )
#51 - cfus
Im old enough to not understand how people drive and type at the same time...without crashing...or seeming to slow down!, which i guess makes me old and stupid....with poor dexterity...

32 in November...i all just merges into one long day.
Mentally they are all 16 cause they wanna feel young while they shoudln't
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :

Average age on LFS is high. You can see on LFSW its 26. So our club must be big

And it must be virtually all members go and play the game, whilst the pups play on the forums.

Prove me wrong!
Quote from Mazz4200 :You need to get into Flight-Simming Hank, it'll really help you get through this "Shit i'm a 30something already, how did that happen ?" period of your life.

Totally there - bought a spanking new joystick just for IL-2
I'm 37. I feel 18 some days and 68 on others.

I get satisfaction from knowing that all the youngsters are being beaten in the CTRA rankings by an old git , that must really piss 'em off
Quote from petercollins :Hi there

I'm 32 and a big fan of LFS. However I'm beginning to feel very old reading threads here about school! :tombstone

So are there any other elderly gents like myself on LFS?:homersimp

If so, make yourself known here!!:Handshake

You can log on into press "LFS Racers Database" then "Stats" tab and there you can find a Racer-age graph, where you can see that here we have many elder racers, not youngsters only
Whippersnappers and insolent pups the lot o' ya.

We at Dead Men Racing are proud to have members who would meet the entry criteria even if you doubled the age.

Not me though. I'm a sprightly 53
Well, do you by any chance have an Almost Dead Med Racing?

I'm only 57 have two kids that are older then most of you youngster here and soon grandpa, drives a Yamaha 900 XJ and 13 at mental age. Can anyone top that one? ...
53 ...going on 29
Turned 40 last October.
im 35, 36 this year i think,not to sure tho!! dam this getting old malarky....what was the question again???
Quote from hrtburnout :
Quote :56 years old. Still driving a sport bike (2001 Suzuki Hayabusa).

That's what we call a midlife crisis

Started at 14 years old and just never stopped. Eventually I'll just be driving something the equivalent of a golf-cart, but I'm not there yet.
32 years young here and will be playing LFS till i turn 80 :monkey:
Quote from Riders Motion :Wow, past 30 and still playing video games? You guys are long-time geeks.

Correction for you, we sim race. There isn't anything related to playing NFS in this thread

Quote from W1LLSD4D :Err, if that's me you're referring to then yes, I'm still around, just not very often these days.

Technically, I was responding to KSheppard, who's dad is CSheppard. I see KShep frequently, but haven't seen CShep in quite some time. But, Hi anyways I do vaguely remember you.

Quote from Damo74 :my 2 year old daughter just hits me when I put LFS on, and yells "Dorothy!!!" (from the wiggles).

Thank goodness that is all over with. Though, without Greg, aren't the Wiggles just not the Wiggles anymore? My 7 yr old was heavy into the Wiggles when she was a toddler, but the younger one, now 4, never was much into them.

I can still hear those dang Wiggles songs ringing in my head :banghead:
Heya, senior member here. Is there a server that where errmm, mature racers tend to go to?
16 here!

ooooops :hide:
Quote from delray25 :Heya, senior member here. Is there a server that where errmm, mature racers tend to go to?

DMR's server I think, can't say how busy it gets though.
34 here. A couple of guys in my team are over 40 including the founders of the team and 1 of them only has 1 leg (the left one). And he is faster than most guys that come into the server.

They have their little comps for the younger guys, why doesn't someone set up a league for the over 30 (more mature) racers. Would be good to get on track with a bunch of guys that know what respect is and how to race clean and not shove their way through the pack.
Quote from delray25 :Heya, senior member here. Is there a server that where errmm, mature racers tend to go to?

Quote from NotAnIllusion :DMR's server I think, can't say how busy it gets though.

Thanks for the plug

Hi Delray. By all means drop in for a race. We define 'mature' as an attitude and try not to tie it to age. Our server is busy between 8pm and 10pm (GMT) and, if you're up for some witty banter, then we also use a Ventrilo server to <cough> congratulate </> the speedy.

Hope to race you soon.
37 here and planning on playing for many more years to come.... Subject to eye sight, joint problems or organ failure.....
Yo, another auld b*gger alert

35 y.o. and just about as many brain cells left
Quote from NotAnIllusion :DMR's server I think, can't say how busy it gets though.

I second that suggestion although I wouldn't vouche for "mature" as I hang around there sometimes and I've still a year to go until the 0x1E register is accessed.
40 here.
25 here..... but my back problems (bulged disc, fatigue) make me 60yo.
So, when I'm 60 I'll be 120 for sure
55 this year and -

I can still put my own shoes and socks on whilst stood up and not using a wall for support.

I ride my mountain bike regularly without the use of stabilisers.

I still have my own teeth (well most of em).

I play IL 2 also.

Over 30s Club
(181 posts, started )