Earlier today ate meat soup.
If you guys have exotic recipies, share them in this thread.
I have shared cheese meat pasta soace recipe already, but I repost it again:
- Aprox 400g ground meat
- Aprox 150g butter cheese (I use "Mustapekka", which has lots and lots of black pepper, so I don't have to spice the meat any further). Found this pic using google:

- Bottle of pasta sauce. Well, any kind of sauce will do. I used normal tomato-based sauce.
- Macaroni
1) Pan -> Meat -> Heat -> Cheese -> Melt -> Sauce -> Warm
2) Make the macaroni
3) Mix them together
4) Eat
Other good recipe is modified finnish traditional meat, "Karjalan paisti".
You will need:
- 400 g pork strips
- 400 g beef strips
- 800 g (Yes) garlic
- Potatoes
Put garlic into pot (Without water). Add tiny amount of butter and sizzle garlic a little bit. Put meat into pot also and add water. Put pots cover on and leave it for 6 (Yes) hours to mild temperature (Stove temperature "1" or something). You can also do it in oven. Correct temperature could be around 75 C... Eat with potatoes.
And the third recipe would be "Ice roast".
- 300-600-? g roast (Anything is ok. I use deer or reindeer meat)
- Lots of salt
Put roast into oven for 24 hours (Yes!!) in temperature 75 C. After 24 hours, take it away and sink the roast into salt-water (1 dl salt per 1 liter of water. That is 1% salt-water) for 3 to 4 hours. Takes lots of time, but man, it is delicious. Going to make it next week.