I'm not on expert on this, so bear with me. Current sim setups use 3 monitors (triple-head-to-go or multiple video cards) or a large projection screen. Most 3 monitor setups I've seen have the left and right monitors angled in at the user (which is wrong because they're acting as one large widescreen display). In order to get a sense of speed and also to see the side mirrors, we must set a high FOV which makes this single viewport distorted.
1) So what we really need is support for 3 viewports... this way we can set a natural FOV for each viewport (left, front, right).
2) We'd also need support for monitors with different resolutions/aspect ratios if we do not have this already (since the side displays do not need to be wide).
3) Finally, it would be ideal if there was ingame support for setting up these views correctly. See my amazing drawing created with ms paint. The 3 grey views are the displays, the blue is the windshield of my actual cockpit (not the game). I find it difficult with the current view controls to set the center view to say... just display what's visible through the windshield from the drivers perspective.
So for instance my car's windshield is 42" wide by 27" long, but due to the extreme angle of the windshield it's actually only ~12" high. So if display existed on the market that is 42"x12" I would want the whole display to be "the view out of the windshield (from the drivers perspective)".
Does any of this make any sense? It's late
1) So what we really need is support for 3 viewports... this way we can set a natural FOV for each viewport (left, front, right).
2) We'd also need support for monitors with different resolutions/aspect ratios if we do not have this already (since the side displays do not need to be wide).
3) Finally, it would be ideal if there was ingame support for setting up these views correctly. See my amazing drawing created with ms paint. The 3 grey views are the displays, the blue is the windshield of my actual cockpit (not the game). I find it difficult with the current view controls to set the center view to say... just display what's visible through the windshield from the drivers perspective.
So for instance my car's windshield is 42" wide by 27" long, but due to the extreme angle of the windshield it's actually only ~12" high. So if display existed on the market that is 42"x12" I would want the whole display to be "the view out of the windshield (from the drivers perspective)".
Does any of this make any sense? It's late